To enable faculty to publish in open access journals, the Pollak Library and Emeriti of California State University, Fullerton have established an Open Access Publication Fund. Funding is limited to $3,000 per author each academic year, and is used to cover author processing charges in reputable, peer-reviewed journals that are open access or have an open access option.
Application forms and instructions for the 2016-17 academic year are available online.
The 2015-16 fund awardees were Luke D. Blacquiere, lecturer in biological science; Anthony DiStefano, associate professor of health science; William J. Hoese, professor of biological science; Jeffrey Knott, professor of geological sciences; Matt Rathbun, assistant professor of mathematics; and Ofir Turel, professor of information systems and decision sciences.
In addition, a display featuring recent open access articles published by CSUF faculty is currently on view in the Faculty Commons, located on the second floor of the Pollak Library.