Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will participate in a moderated discussion during Cal State Fullerton’s Center for Insurance Studies 2016 forum “Insurance Industry Trends 2020 and Beyond.”
The Monday, May 9, program will include a keynote address by Robert Hartwig, president of the Insurance Information Institute, and a panel discussion by insurance industry leaders Chris Baggaley, senior vice president, Automobile Club of Southern California; Ron Guerrier, chief financial officer, Farmers Insurance Group; Mark Costa, senior vice president, Kaiser Permanente; and Adrian Griggs, executive vice president and CFO, Pacific Life Insurance Company. James R. Woods, co-leader of Mayer Brown LLP’s Global Insurance Industry Group, will serve as panel moderator.
The program will begin with a sponsor reception followed by the 1 p.m. discussion with Schwarzenegger in the Titan Student Union. The program will conclude with a 4 p.m. reception.
Tickets for the event are $550 per seat; table and other sponsorships available. For more information, contact Carol Spencer, director of development for Mihaylo College of Business and Economics, at 657-278-2857 or cspencer@fullerton.edu.