Hundreds of Cal State Fullerton faculty, staff and administrators joined in a celebration yesterday (April 12), recognizing the milestones and achievements they have accomplished.
“I am honored to lead such a tight-knit family of educators and proud that the Titans being recognized today are representative of all of our collaborative work and achievements,” President Mildred García noted during the University Awards Program.
The annual program recognized recipients of three campuswide awards, as well as years of service, degrees and certificates earned.
This year’s award recipients were:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award
Immigration Legal Clinic — Henoc Preciado, coordinator of the Titan Dreamers Resource Center, and Denice Vélez, coordinator of the Chicana and Chicano Resource Center, for the creation of a clinic in which immigration attorneys provide private consultations pro bono to students and their families.
Teamwork and Collaboration Award
Univision News Bureau Project — Joshua Bagshaw and Matthew Pagano of Facilities Management, Robin Crew, Nathan Jeffers and Eraj Shadaram of Information Technology; Selen Faire, Beth Goerges, Inez Gonzales and Jason Shepard of the Communications Department; Kristen Jasko of Parking and Transportation; Katie McGill of University Advancement/Communications; and Nelson Nagai of Contracts and Procurement, for helping put together a partnership with Univision and the establishment of a local news bureau on campus that offers students hands-on experience.
Leadership Award
Brady Heiner, assistant professor of philosophy and director of Project Rebound, a program designed to support formerly incarcerated people in apply to, enrolling in and graduating from Cal State Fullerton.
Graduation and Certificates Earned
The achievements of staff members in earning advanced degrees and certificates were recognized during the program. Honored were:
Olabisi Carr, MBA, University of La Verne
Joseph Hackbarth, Ed.D., CSUF
Customer Service Certificate — Selene Aguila, Kathleen Kische, Stacey Farris, Mimi Lawson, Veronica Martinez, Raely Saldana and Makeda Seyoum
Professional Development Certificate — Marisela Delgadillo
Professional Office Administration — Arlene Gutierrez
Leadership and Management — Joseph Hackbarth
Project Management — Alice Rodriguez
Years of Service
Among those recognized was Maria Linder, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, who has served students and the University for four decades. Linder is a recognized authority on how copper and iron function in the body and been honored with the University’s Outstanding Professor and the L. Donald Shields Excellence in Scholarship and Creativity awards, in addition to the California State University Wang Family Excellence Award.
Linder is among 15 faculty and staff members who have served for 30 or more years.
35 years of service
Robert Gass, professor of human communication studies
Jimmie Jenkins, professor of art
Mabel Kung, professor of information systems and decision sciences
Ghasem Manoochehri, chair and professor of management
Robert L. Minor, IT consultant and audio engineer, School of Music
Leila Zenderland, professor of American studies
30 years of service
Peggi M. Barlow, counselor-loan coordinator, Student Financial Aid
Anthony R. Fellow, professor of communications
Nancy Fitch, chair and professor of history
Patricia L. Nelson, administrative analyst, IT
Sorel Reisman, professor of information systems and decision sciences
Hallie Yopp Slowik, professor of elementary and bilingual education
Roberta Valentine, reference librarian
Ruth Yopp-Edwards, professor of elementary and bilingual education
25 Years of Service
Catherine Atwong
Cornel Bonca
Robert Botzheim
Yick Ching Chan
Helene Domon
Heidi Fearn
Andrea Guillaume
Scott Hewitt
Fatima W. Khan
Gale M. Kirkland
Diane Clemens-Knott
20 Years of Service
John W. Bedell
Kimberly D. Bette
Arthur L. Booth
Richard D. Boucher
Patrick J. Castillo
Susan Cervantes
Betty Chavis
Song-James Choi
Victoria D. Cortes
Barrien G. Crudup
Dennis L. Davids
Michael Dickerson
Gregory T. Dyment
Barbara A. Glennan
Judy I. Goberdhan
Maria L. Gonzalez-Ivens
Joseph Greco
Leslie Grier
Dennis Hernandez
Frank J. Herrera
Nancy J. Hill
Pamela L. Kedulich
Cynthia King
Marina Kutsak
Stefanie Light
Alfred Lozada
Weili Lu
Gordon McCray
Kenneth S. Moyer
Christine V. Murillo
Guillermo Noffal
Mark A. Panozzo
Gary Ruud
Sharon Seidman
Mark Hoven Stohs
David A. Sullivan II
Antonina M. Williams
Rochelle C. Woods
Norbella E. Zalasar
15 Years of Service
Victoria E. Agnew
Alfonso Agnew
Christine Alessi
Cheryl L. Barba
Michele Barr
Yesenia Beltran
Sandra K. Boulanger
Leah Brew
Jochen Burgtorf
Evelyn Case
Howard Chang
Sapna Chopra
Jennifer D. Chung
Abigail Dawson
Stephen J. DiTolla
Helen D. Dolbin
Mark Drayse
James Furumoto
Roy P. Gonzales
Cora Granata
Mitchell Hanlon
Lolita T. Hartono
Anh T. Huynh-Nelson
James A. Kiser
Jeffrey Knott
John Koegel
Lisa Kopecky
Angela Mimi Lawson
Paul J. Levesque
Kathy J. Lewis
Serena Y. Lin
Mandy Loo
Gail Love
David Luu
Rachel Lynch
Edward Maine
JP Marquez
Donald Matthewson
Jovita McCoy
Emily Miller
Theron Moore
Mony C. Nhong
Sandra Norell
Zarita J. Owens-Moore
Irena Praitis
Kristina Quinn
Donna H. Rader
Deena L. Robinson
Joanna Roche
Chris Ruiz-Velasco
Elaine Rutkowski
Kenneth J. Sanchez II
Christine Schloffer
Robert B. Scialdone
Eriko Self
Dennis Siebenaler
Charles Smith
Christina Y. Smith
Jeanette Reedy Solano
Jennifer E. Solorzano
Christopher Street
Michelle Swadish
Leilani E. Thomas
Margaret N. Titular
Mary Ann Torres
Susan Tschabrun
Charles Tumlinson
Raman M. Unnikrishnan
Phil Vo
Lenny Wiersma
Sharon Willmer
Roberta L. Winter
Shelli Wynants
Emeline M. Yong
Lawrence Yun
10 Years of Service
Darleen Aguilar
Mehmet Akbulut
James H. Alexander
Graciela Amaya
Susan Amdahl
Natalia V. Anderson
Diana Arriola
Paul David Avedissian
Caroline Bailey
Erinn M. Banks
Richard E. Banks
Matthew W. Bauer
Brett M. Benson
Rosalind K. Blackstar
Ian R. Boles
Katherine Bono
Nicole Bonuso
Harriet K. Bouldin
Alain Bourget
Erica Bowers
Clara A. Bowman
Alisha M. Brown
Michelle Vander Veldt Brye
Patricia Burton
Susan Cadwallader
Victoria R. Cafasso
Patricia R. Campbell
Marisol Cardenas
Mary Ellen L. Castillo
Svetlana Chekardzhikova
Yi-Jun Chen
Esther Chen
Barbara Cherry
Raquel D. Clovery
Dana Collins
Maxine M. Colter
Penny D. Connell
Edito Corales
Jack R. Correia
Mark A. Courtis
Lana Dalley
Claudiu R. Damsa
Irene C. Danielson
Anthony L. Davis
Cynthia L. Davis
Kathleen Le Gare Davis
Leilani G. De Castro
Enrico D. Depano
Kevin Diep
Melissa C. Dominguez
Michael P. Dorman
Tammy Drezner
Jose L. Estebane
Lyle E. Fenimore
Jorge Fontdevila
William Fowler
Harold Fraser
Michelle L. Galaz
Lynn A. Ganac
Dipasri Ghosh
Marcella J. Gilchrist
Jose L. Granados-Vences
Hilda Guerrero
Lisa L. Guillory
Dawit G. Haile
LaTanya Henderson
Wayne Henderson
Steven M. Hensley
Diane Hernandez
Emma Hernandez
Roman R. Hernandez
Sean Hogan
David Hurlbirt
Gordon S. Huse
Mohammed Z. Ibrahim
La Tanya S. Jackson
Diana L. Janzen
Matthew Jarvis
Deborah W. Johnson
Muriel Joyce
Adrian Jung
Justin Kavoossi
Dean Kazoleas
Daniel B. Kessman
Sherif Khalifa
Janna Kim
Lydia A. Kocher
Dixie Koo
Le D. Lam
Michael Lara
Emmanuel Lartey
Rachel N. Lasser
Amy K. Leber
Emily S. Lee
Hoang Lequang
Marilyn Leuer
Yue Liu
Laura Lohman
Ray P. Lopez
Joseph E. Lussier II
Mackenzie A. MacSween
Hernan D. Manabat
Elisa C. Mandell
Jonathan Markley
Colleen J. Matthews
Kristy M. McCrossan
Evan S. McDermit
Carol McDoniel
Archana McEligot
Tyler McMillen
Estela G. Menjivar
Michael Milligan
Marc M. Montaser
Gloria Monti
Michele Mouttapa
Ivan F. Munguia
Thao T. Nguyen
Trung N. Nguyen
Ryan Nichols
Nobuhito Nishigawara
Brian Norton
Anabel P. Ochoa-Padilla
Magdalena Palacios Perez
Nilay Patel
Jessie Peissig
Hilda J. Pelaez
Andy Pho
Martha A. Poledna
Henry Puente
Lonnie P. Quinal
Carter Rakovski
Gianni P. Ramani
Wayne C. Reisdorf
Brian Resnik
Suzanne Robertson
Alice M. Rodriguez
Lizzette E. Rodriguez
Pamela Romero
Robert West Romero
José F. Rosales
Daniela Rubin
Diana Ruiz
Amalia Sandoval
Christine Scher
Patricia Schneider-Zioga
Hyekyeung Seung
Kristen Shand
Marian K. Sherman
Alexei Shevchenko
John Short
Taeko Shu
Christopher Slogar
Jana Snook
Georgia Spiropoulos
Kirsten Stava
Robert Suttle
Wilbur H. Tate
Robert S. Taylor
Jason Teven
Ionel Tifrea
Binod Tiwari
Sonia L. Velez
Chris Chuyen Vo
Tylor G. Vu
Gail K. Wallenbeck
Eileen Walsh
Kazuha Watanabe
Guosheng Wei
Drew Wiley
Kathleen E. Wilson
Shannon L. Wilson
Lisa Winstead
Stacey Wong-Goldfarb
Andrew D. Wood
Guohua Wu
Lei Xu
Colleen K. Yarrish
Steven M. Yim
5 Years of Service
Joel K. Abraham
Elizabeth Agredano
Joseph S. Areeda
Juanita Arreola
Wendy Ascencio
Jason Baker
Rachel Fenning
John Barbuto
Melissa L. Base
Meredith E. Basil
Maria C. Batista
Caren Bautista
Marie R. Becker
Meri Beckham
Shovit R. Bhari
Karlton J. Bridgewaters
Jacqueline A. Bunge
Kate Burlingham
Charity Ann K. Burnley
Christopher D. Cadena
Ann C. Camp
Katie T. Cappuccio
Ola Carr
Noel Casillas
Aurelio Castanon, Jr.
Diobel Castner
Melba S. Castro
Sumantra Chakravarty
Jennifer Chandler
Laura Chandler
Anh Chen
Adam Churnside
Marcia Clark
Angelique M. Crockett
Ding-Jo H. Currie
Sydney A. Dawes
Maria V. Dela Cruz
Dennis J. DeMaio
Cathy G. Dionaldo
Sheba Nacomi Dixon
David P. Drees
Donna L. Drees
Jacqueline T. Drumm
Kenneth Faller
Alicia Y. Fan
Eric W. Fan
Jean Ferrandis
Bret R. Fisher
Tami “Sunnie” Foy
Todd Frandsen
Charles P. Funkhouser
Andrew Galpin
Lucia Galvan
June A. Garbayo
Danielle A. Garcia
Laura A. Garcia
Mildred García
Nina S. Garcia
Dave Garcia-Gomez
Pratanu Ghosh
Danielle N. Gianni
John Gleaves
Jianxin Gong
Mark Goodrich
Prem Gupta
Matthew J. Gush
Leticia Gutierrez-Lopez
John Haan
Edward Hart
Sara A. Head
Brady Heiner
Debra D. Hernandez
Deisy Hernandez
Dora D. Hernandez
Andrew Howat
John Jackson
Gary Jason
Julian Jefferies
Juye Ji
Afshin Karimi
Walied Keshk
Ellen Kim
Ryan J. Klug
Michael N. Lam
Tony L. Lane, Jr.
Renee Larum
Kyu-Youn Lee
Amanda L. Leon
Travis B. Lindsay
Juan M. Lopez
Joshua Loudon
Catherine Maderazo
Michael R. Mahi
Danielle Majamfinch
Courtney Marsac
John Marshall
Margarito Martinez
Maria Matza
Donald C. McDougall
Marcella Mendez
Dave Mickey
Valerie Minchala
Sinjini Mitra
Tonnie A. Newton
Angela Minhtu D. Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen
Kevin Nichols
Krystyl M. Nottage
David Obstfeld
Miriam D. Ogden
Gareth E. O’Neal
William H. Otto II
Kathy P. Padilla
Jeannine L. Pedersen
Yessica E. Penate
Thomas R. Perez
Marisa L. Perez-Amorde
Carlen M. Pope
Kathleen Preston
Christine R. Quiros
Mark Ramont
Waleed Rashidi
Ronnie M. Reao
Amanda R. Ritter
Lily Roh
Ann Roll
Gilberto Roman
Mayra E. Rosas
Veronica Rosas
Frederick S. Rose
Hector Sagal
Isaac Salazar
Charlotte C. Sanchez
Angela Sardan
Adil F. Saudager
Eufemia M. Scarfone
Brandon S. Serna
John D. Spiak
Jennifer Stokes
Samuel Stone
Laurent Tambayong
Stephanie Thames
Columba Torres
Edith Torres
Thao D. Trinh
Adrienna D. Trujillo
Jason C. Tsang
Matt Walsh
Iling Wang
Yingdi Wang
Lynn R. Washatka
Scot R. Willey
Jaime L. Yarnell
May Youn