“The American voting system cannot be trusted.” This provocative statement will be posed to five Cal State Fullerton panelists Friday, Oct. 9, from 2-3 p.m. in a civil dialogue event addressing the topic “Voting Integrity.”
The panelists, ranging from students to faculty members, will be asked to take one of the following positions: strongly agree, somewhat agree, undecided/neutral, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree to the statement.
The university’s civil dialogue series began in 2017 to model respectful conversations on contested issues. This year’s dialogue aims to help voters learn about the electoral process and the challenges facing voter integrity.
“Individual freedom allows us to think differently and believe in different things, but it doesn’t mean that we should be hostile to others in our community who don’t subscribe to our views,” said Tara Suwinyattichaiporn, civil dialogue organizer and assistant professor of human communication studies. “In an increasingly divided society, it is important to recognize that various viewpoints can civilly coexist.
“Especially since it’s an election year, where differences are highlighted more than any other time, this is how CSUF can serve our community by modeling this civil approach,” she added.
Sponsored by the CSUF Office of Government and Community Relations, the event is not intended to bring consensus on any topics, but instead to demonstrate how people can disagree together as members of a community.
The event is open to the public via Zoom webinar. Online registration is strongly encouraged.
To learn more about activities related to the 2020 general election, visit the Titans Turn Out website.
Contact: Lynn Juliano, ljuliano@fullerton.edu