Cal State Fullerton faculty members have been publishing research on a variety of topics, sharing their knowledge in presentations and receiving awards in recognition of their expertise. These are the publications, presentations and awards submitted during September 2020.
Natsuki Atagi, assistant professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Language Experience Is Associated With Infants’ Visual Attention to Speakers” in Brain Sciences.
Jochen Burgtorf, professor of history, published an article titled “Fleeing from Damietta (1249): An Alternative Perspective on the Egyptian Crusade of King Louis IX of France” in Studies on the Military Orders, Prussia and Urban History.
Shana Alex Charles, associate professor of public health, co-authored the policy brief
“Better Health, Greater Social Cohesion Linked to Voter Participation.”
Pablo Costa, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Effects of High Intensity Interval Training and Aging on Cardiac Muscle Apoptosis Markers in C57BL/6 Mice” in Sport Sciences for Health. Costa also co-authored “Effects of Age on Physical and Technical Performance in National Basketball Association Players” in Research in Sports Medicine.
Brittany Eghaneyan, assistant professor of social work, co-authored “Profiles of Depression in a Treatment-seeking Hispanic Population: Psychometric Properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9″ in the International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.
Rachel Fenning, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Examining the Impact of COVID-19 in Ethnically Diverse Families With Young Children With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities” in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
Andrew Galpin, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Myosin Heavy Chain Composition, Creatine Analogues, and the Relationship of Muscle Creatine Content and Fast-twitch Proportion to Wilks Coefficient in Powerlifters” in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
John Gleaves, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “If You’re Not First, You’re Last: Are the Empirical Premises Correct in the Ethics of Anti-doping?” in Sports, Ethics and Philosophy.
Sean Hogan, associate professor of social work, authored “Foster Youth, Health and College Campus Support Program Participation: The First-year Experience” in the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
Tricia Kasamatsu, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Patient Care Documentation in the Secondary School Setting: Unique Challenges and Needs” in the Journal of Athletic Training.
Alice Lee, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “Expanding Our Understanding of Ovarian Cancer Risk: The Role of Incomplete Pregnancies” in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Robert Lockie, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored:
- “A Research Note on Relationships Between the Vertical Jump and Standing Broad Jump in Law Enforcement Recruits: Implications for Lower-body Power Testing” in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research;
- “Associations Between Two Measures of Trunk Muscular Endurance Among Male Law Enforcement Officers” in the Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise; and
- “Accuracy of Body Mass Index Based on Self-report Data Among Law Enforcement Cadets” in the Journal of Criminalistics and Law.
Archana McEligot, professor of public health; Valerie Poynor, assistant professor of mathematics; and Anand Panangadan, assistant professor of computer science, co-authored “Logistic LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) Regression for Dietary Intakes and Breast Cancer” in Nutrients.
Andrea Patterson, associate professor of liberal studies, co-edited the book “The Shapes of Epidemics and Global Disease” and penned one of its chapters on “Epidemics of Inequity: Challenging the Racial Predisposition Hypothesis.” Through case studies of global disease from across the world and time, the book argues that the physical threat of epidemics is irrevocably linked to culture, economic resources, social class and power. Several CSUF faculty members also contributed chapters, including:
- “Epidemics as Complex Systems: Sexual Meanings and HIV Among Latino Gay and Bisexual Men” by Jorge Fontdevila, professor of sociology;
- “Suicide, Slavery and Epidemics: A Perspective From Early Modern British America” by Terri Snyder, chair and professor of American studies; and
- “Non-communicable Disease Epidemic: Ideologies and Institutions of Modernity” by Joshua Yang, professor of public health.
Beverly Quaye and Manal Alatrash, assistant professors of nursing, co-authored “Changes in Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs in BSN Students After SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment) Education and Practice in Home Health” in the Journal of Professional Nursing.
Toby Rider, associate professor of kinesiology, and Matthew Llewellyn, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Sport in Isolation? New Perspectives on Race, Sport and Politics in Apartheid South Africa” in the International Journal of the History of Sport.
Terri Snyder, chair and professor of American studies, co-edited the book “As If She Were Free: A History of Women and Emancipation Across the Americas.” The book includes biographies of 24 women of African descent to show how enslaved and freed women sought, imagined and found freedom from the 16th to the 19th century in the Americas.
Yuying Tsong, professor of human services, co-authored “Explaining the Alcohol Immigrant Paradox: Perspectives from Mexican American Adults” in the Journal of Latinx Psychology.
Brady Heiner, executive director of CSUF’s Project Rebound and associate professor of philosophy, and Romarilyn Ralston, program director of Project Rebound, discussed mass incarceration, racial justice and the work of Project Rebound on the podcast “The Ethicist’s Corner.”
Robert Watson, professor of music, presented “Integrating the Whole Body in the Performance and Pedagogy of Piano, Part Two: Arm, Hand and Finger” at the 2020 annual Music Teachers’ Association of California conference.
Dana Cloud, lecturer in human communication studies, was named the 2020 recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award by the National Communication Association. The association’s highest honor recognizes a lifetime of scholarly contributions to the study of human communication.
Robert Voeks, professor of geography and the environment, received the 2019 Klinger award for his book “The Ethnobotany of Eden: Rethinking the Jungle Medicine Narrative.” The book questions and debunks misconceptions about tropical rain forests and their peoples.
Submit publications, presentations, awards or honors for this monthly roundup to newssubmissions@fullerton.edu.
Contact: Karen Lindell, klindell@fullerton.edu