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Campus Welcomes 70 New Tenure-Track Faculty Members

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President Mildred García welcomed 70 new members of the tenure-track faculty during the Aug. 17 convocation and dinner held that evening in their honor. More images from the event can be seen here.

The newly hired faculty members, listed by college, are:


Ning An, assistant professor of music
Carol Ashley, assistant professor of art
Michael Dietz, assistant professor of art
Lisa Draskovich-Long, assistant professor of theatre and dance
Yoon Chung Han, assistant professor of art
Hiromi Takizawa, assistant professor of art
Jamie Tucker, assistant professor of theatre and dance

Business and Economics

Jordan Barlow, assistant professor of information systems and decision sciences
Maria Casanova Rivas, assistant professor of economics
Mohammad Reza Habibi, assistant professor of marketing
Yuhong He, assistant professor of information systems and decision sciences
Tsuhsiang Hsu, assistant professor of management
Nicholas Huntington-Klein, assistant professor of economics
Margaret Kim, assistant professor of accounting
Mitchell Livy, assistant professor of economics
Asad Shafig, assistant professor of management
Amr Soror, assistant professor of information systems and decision sciences
Heejin Woo, assistant professor of management


Kristofer Brock, assistant professor of human communication studies
Christina Ceisel, assistant professor of communications
Vanessa Diaz, assistant professor of communications
Hunter Hargraves, assistant professor of radio-TV-film
Zachary Johnson, assistant professor of human communication studies
Robert Meeds, associate professor of communications
Alyssa Samek, assistant professor of human communication studies
Anthony Sparks, assistant professor of radio-TV-film

Engineering and Computer Science

Beena Ajmera, assistant professor of civil engineering
Donna Bein, assistant professor of computer science
Sagil James, assistant professor of mechanical engineering
Anand Panangadan, assistant professor of computer science
Scott Parr, assistant professor of civil engineering
Paulina Reina, assistant professor of civil engineering
Michael Turi, assistant professor of computer engineering
Hope Weiss, assistant professor of mechanical engineering


Benikia Kressler, assistant professor of special education

Health and Human Development

Shana Charles, assistant professor of health science
Deanna Jung, assistant professor of nursing
Tricia Kasamatsu, assistant professor of kinesiology
Karen Kyeunghae Lee, assistant professor of social work
Risto Marttinen, assistant professor of kinesiology
Melissa Montgomery, assistant professor of kinesiology
Derek Pamukoff, assistant professor of kinesiology
Beverly Quaye, assistant professor of nursing
Pimbucha Rusmevichientong, assistant professor of health science
Rosario Sakamoto, assistant professor of nursing

Humanities and Social Sciences

Eric Carbajal, assistant professor of modern languages and literatures
Christina Chin, assistant professor of sociology
Sarah Grant, assistant professor of anthropology
Meriem Hodge, assistant professor of political science
Satoko Kakihara, assistant professor of modern languages and literatures
Phillip Kopp, assistant professor of criminal justice
Edwin Lopez, assistant professor of sociology
Maria Malagon, assistant professor of sociology
Jamilia Moore Pewu, assistant professor of history
Yuko Okado, assistant professor of psychology
Edward Pinuelas, assistant professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics
Robert Robinson, assistant professor of political science

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Natalie Bursztyn, assistant professor of geological sciences
Bridget Druken, assistant professor of mathematics
Allyson Fry, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry
Jessica Jaynes, assistant professor of mathematics
Alison Marzocchi, assistant professor of mathematics
Valerie Poynor, assistant professor of mathematics
Gina Passante, assistant professor of physics
Parvin Shahrestani, assistant professor of biological sciences
Roberto Soto, assistant professor of mathematics

Pollak Library

Moon Joo Kim, senior assistant librarian

Student Health and Counseling Center

Jill Sorathia, student support professional
Kevin Thomas, student support professional
Shena Young, student support professional