Before joining Cal State Fullerton in fall, Bridget K. Druken taught college mathematics courses for pre-service elementary teachers, tutored high school seniors, assisted teaching math to third-graders and developed math video clips for a textbook for pre-service elementary teachers. Druken earned her doctorate in mathematics and science education through a joint doctoral program at the University of California, San Diego, and San Diego State University. She holds a master’s degree from San Diego State and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Rhode Island, both in mathematics.
Why did you pursue the opportunity to join the Titan community?
What drew me to the Titan community was an environment that would support my research interests, encourage the highest standards of teaching and allow me to connect to the local schools. I wanted an environment where I could engage in research while training pre-service mathematics teachers, mentor credential students and support practicing mathematics teachers in collaborative experiences, such as lesson study.
I also was drawn to CSUF due to its supportive Mathematics Department, with its large number of faculty members interested in addressing issues in mathematics education, and the opportunity to teach and mentor the diverse student body in ways that bridge teaching and research.
What do you most look forward to now that you’re here?
I look forward to developing as a mathematics teacher-educator through my interactions with students, faculty and local mathematics teachers. Doing this will help me to help others learn how to become successful teachers of mathematics so that all children can have rich and meaningful mathematical learning experiences. I have always enjoyed learning and feel that the Titan community will support me in continuing this pursuit.
What areas of continued scholarship and research are of particular interest to you?
My primary area of research focuses on how to support and sustain mathematics teachers and improve their teaching practice through lesson study, a collaborative process of planning, teaching and debriefing research lessons. My particular focus is on better understanding social resources, such as shared goals and values among group members, which are needed for sustainability of lesson study.
I’m also interested in supporting future teachers in learning mathematics that will help them be successful K-12 teachers, particularly changing their dispositions toward mathematics and improving their teaching skills. I hope to engage in a lesson study partnership with CSUF pre-service teachers, University faculty and local K-12 practicing mathematics teachers.
What are some of your outside activities, hobbies or interests?
I like to hike in the beautiful outdoors, do yoga, explore new cities and spend time with my family and friends (furry ones included). I also enjoy poetry and making pottery.