Discussions with an Emmy-nominated investigative reporter, a publicist for the Oscars telecast, and a live broadcast of KPCC’s “Take Two” are among the events planned for the April 20-21 Communications Week.
Jason Leopold, reporter for VICE News, has covered national security and terrorism. His aggressive use of the Freedom of Information Act to obtain information is the topic of his presentation at 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 20, in Room 1502 of Mihaylo Hall.
Steve Rohr, a publicist for the Oscars telecast and president of Lexicon Public Relations, shares tools to become a publicist at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Titan Student Union.
A Martinez of “Take Two” hosts a live discussion with Cal State Fullerton millennials at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 21, in the Titan Student Union Theater. The event is free, but tickets must be reserved here.
The two-day Comm Week conference is produced by students enrolled in a communications course on event planning. The students booked more than 30 professionals to speak about their careers in public relations, entertainment and tourism, advertising, journalism, human communication and broadcasting. Speakers, panels and discussions also focus on how to land a job, how to target your audience, and how to transition from college to career. A full Comm Week schedule is posted on the event site.
Advertising majors will want to attend the daylong events on Wednesday, including AdDating, a networking lunch, an advertising competition and an AdClub alumni social.
Studying film? Sarba Das of Bleeding Fingers Custom Music Shop leads “From Film School to Film Industry” at 11:30 a.m. Thursday in the Titan Student Union.
Need career or grad school advice? Attend the daylong “Career Awareness Day” beginning at 10 a.m. Thursday in the Titan Student Union.
Get insight in managing people and crises at “Managing the Disneyland Measles Outbreak” with Suzi Brown, at 4 p.m. Thursday in Titan Student Union, and “Leadership” with Mike Messina, former Brea chief of police, at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in the Titan Student Union.
Alumni Ethan Hawkes ’14 (B.A. communications – journalism), Nereida Moreno ’15 (B.A. American studies and B.A. communications-journalism), Marie Montgomery Nordhues ’86 (B.A. communications – journalism), and Mike Mahi ‘83 (B.A. communications) are set to speak about “Life After College” and journalism degrees at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Titan Student Union.
Media Contacts
Cerise Valenzuela Metzger, 657-278-3708, cmetzger@fullerton.edu
Paula Selleck, 657-278-4856, pselleck@fullerton.edu