More than 50 undergraduate and graduate students from across college disciplines shared their work and presented research posters or exhibits at the recent Student Creative Activities and Research Day.
The Office of Research and Sponsored Projects hosted the April 12 event, where Outstanding Student Scholarly and Creative Activities Awards were presented to one undergraduate and one graduate student from each of the eight colleges. The award recognizes excellence in student research or creative activities.
Additionally, three students who presented their work at Student Creative Activities and Research Day were chosen for the Outstanding Poster/Exhibit Award.
Award recipients by college are:
College of the Arts — Claudia Marquez, senior, B.F.A.- art-drawing and painting and B.A. art-art history; Caleb Havertape, graduate student, M.F.A.- art-illustration
College of Engineering and Computer Science — Yuliana Carrillo, sophomore, civil engineering; Hussein Al-Barazanchi, graduate student, computer science
College of Education — Julia Walker ‘15 (B.A. criminal justice), graduate student, education-higher education
College of Communications — Jasmine Rodriguez, junior, communications-public relations; Chelsea Shore, graduate student, communication studies
College of Health and Human Development — Alyssa Bailey, senior, child and adolescent development; Jose Arevalo, graduate student, kinesiology
College of Humanities and Social Sciences — Clayton Finn, senior, ethnic studies-African American studies; Erika Grimm, senior, philosophy; Julie Kircher, graduate student, psychology
Mihaylo College of Business and Economics — Alex Burciaga, senior, business administration-accounting; Travis Ames ‘12 (B.A. business administration-finance), graduate student, economics
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics — Kyle Hess, senior, biological science-molecular biology and biotechnology; Kevin Chiem ‘12 (B.S. biological science), graduate student, biology
Outstanding Poster/ Exhibit Award recipients are:
Crystal Cortez, senior, geology, “An Articulated Skeleton of Carcharodon Hastalis (Lamniformes, Lamnidae) From the ‘Monterey Formation,’ Orange County, California.”
Evelyn Ruelas, senior, biological science-marine biology, “Description of the Reproductive Morphology of a Viviparous Fish, the Black Perch (Embiotoca jacksoni) Using Histological Methods.”
Heather Wright, senior, art-ceramics, “My Father’s Chair.”