Cal State Fullerton library patron Gordon Van De Water was captivated at a young age by the history of the American West. Today, he is an avid collector of books about California and the Southwest.
Van De Water will present a talk titled “Facsimiles of Rare and Scarce Books” Saturday, Oct. 15, in Room 130 of CSUF’s Pollak Library. The 2 p.m. free, public lecture is hosted by the Patrons of the Library.
His collection spans a variety of subjects, including Japanese haiku, Charles Dickens first editions, William Blake Trianon editions, finely printed books by John Henry Nash and the Grabhorn Press, books in facsimile (reproductions that are as true to the original source as possible), the Tao Te Ching and cookbooks.
For information, call 714-870-7208 or 714-526-3617.