Looking for a way to relax and get fit? The Employee Wellness Program offers a wide range of opportunities for faculty and staff to work out with their peers without having to drive to a busy fitness center.
The program, established in 2003, offers year-round strength and conditioning sessions, women’s workout courses, open-lap swimming and yoga programs. Instructors for the program are graduate students with student interns.
“The EWP is not only a great place to work out with the assistance of very knowledgeable kinesiology students and graduates, it is also a great place to meet people from all over campus and make wonderful friends,” said Jill Rodriguez, an administrative analyst in the College of Health and Human Development. “We get a great workout, often doing more than we ever thought we could, and have fun with our EWP friends.”
“Unlike commercial gyms, where individuals are glued to TVs or electronic devices, people at EWP actually talk to one another, encourage each other, share important life happenings to celebrate or commiserate and, sometimes, get together outside the gym,” said Joan Spangler, a retired lecturer in English, comparative literature and linguistics. “The students who work here are very enthusiastic and committed to what they do. They assist when we want advice, tell us about their research, formulate creative ‘boot camp’ programs to diversify your exercise experience, and sometimes just chat and make you laugh to keep you going on the elliptical when your energy is flagging.”
“We’re looking for feedback from the campus community,” said Christine Quiros, coordinator of the program and a 2013 kinesiology alumna. “We’re trying to hit every aspect of fitness, provide a wide range of services and exercise opportunities, and meet the needs of faculty and staff.”
Open exercises sessions are offered at 11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 5-6:45 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays or Thursdays-Fridays. Women’s-only exercise sessions are offered 1:30-2:15 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays or Tuesdays-Thursdays. Open workout is offered Fridays from 11:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.; open-lap swimming is offered Mondays through Fridays from noon to 1 p.m.
Sign-ups for the eight-week mid-session — Oct. 17 through Dec. 16 — are now being taken. Fees for the workout sessions for new members are $62, continuing members, $52, and both include any open exercise class session, as well as the open-lap swimming.
Sign-ups for the mid-session yoga classes also begin Oct. 17 and are offered noon to 1 p.m. either Mondays-Wednesdays or Tuesdays-Thursdays for $74. Discounts offered to those signing up for both yoga and the exercise program.
For more information, check out the EWP website or email employeewellness@fullerton.edu.