Cal State Fullerton has garnered more than $2 million in grants and contracts through the third quarter of the academic year ending March 30. Included among the funding are awards for an annual teachers summit, teacher training, research into allergy and infectious diseases, and online learning.
Awards included:
Veronica Jimenez Ortiz, assistant professor of biological science: $404,813 award from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in support of “Identification and Function of Mechanosensitive Channels in Trypanosoma Cruzi” project.
Math Cuajungco, professor of biological science: $382,074 National Institutes of Health award for the “Dissecting the Role of TMEM163 Protein in Cells” project.
Matthew Kirby, professor of geological sciences; Reza Ramezan and Kevin Nichols, assistant professors of mathematics; and Joseph Carlin, assistant professor of geological sciences: $345,802 National Science Foundation for “Collaborative Research: The California Precipitation Dipol: Spatiotemporal Variability and Forcings Over the Past 3,000 Years.”
Zair Ibragimov, associate professor of mathematics: $249,991National Science Foundation award for “International Research Experience for Students: USA-Uzbekistan Collaborative Research in Leibniz Algebras.”
Barbara Glaeser, professor of special education; Melinda Pierson, chair and professor of special education; and Katherine Bono, chair and associate professor of child and adolescent studies: $240,649 grant from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for “Integrated Pathway for Teaching Special Education.”
Susamma Barua, interim dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science: $240,000 GE Global Software Center award in support of the “GE/CSU Innovation Design Challenge 2017-2020.” Related story: GE/CSU Challenge Drives Industrial Internet Innovation
Kathy Spofford, executive director of student wellness: a $132,035 California Department of Rehabilitation contract for the “WorkAbility IV project.”
Claire Cavallaro, professor of special education and dean emeritus, college of education: $83,333 award from Loyola Marymount University for the “2016 Better Together: California Teachers Summit.”
Sara Johnson, professor of anthropology: $51,724 from Hart Community Homes, Inc./Monkey Business for the “Integrating Workforce Training for Foster Youth With a Community Food Web: Culinary Art, Agriculture and Nutrition (I-CAN)” project. The project is part of a four-year U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture Community Food Project grant.
Mark Ellis, professor of secondary education: $47,696.31 CSU Chancellor’s Office and Boeing contract for “Common Core State Standards in Mathematics College Readiness Teacher Development.”
Sheryl Fontaine, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Corrine Decapite, Fullerton International Resources for Schools and Teachers director: $36,188 Regents of the University of California award for the “California Subject Matter Project-California International Studies Project-Fullerton NCLB 13” project.
Rachel Fenning, assistant professor of child and adolescent studies: $24,522 from the Regents of UC Irvine for the project, “Improving Participation in Dental Care and Oral Health Outcomes for Underserved Children With ASD (autism spectrum disorders).”
David Pagni, professor of mathematics: $23,000 University of California Office of the President award for the “California Mathematics Project at CSUF Fullerton (NCLB).”
Kathryn Glasswell, associate professor of literacy and reading education: $20,000 from the Orange Unified School District for the “After School College for Kids 2016-17” project.
Aimee Nelson, director of the Center for Careers in Teaching: $16,000 Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization award for “Cultivating Teacher Leaders: A Progressive Approach to Growing and Diversifying the Teaching Profession in California and Beyond.”
Howard Forman, associate professor of marketing: $13,000 award from the Anderson J. Ray Development for “PHASE I: The Impacts of the Internet on Retail Rent and Supply Chain – A Change?”
Mary Ann Villarreal, assistant vice president, strategic initiatives, in Academic Affairs and interim director, First Year Experience: $12,000 Association of American Medical Colleges award for “Diversity and Inclusion Culture & Climate Self-Assessment Tool and Scorecard” project.
Anil Puri, interim provost and vice president for academic affairs: an additional $10,000 award from OCTA for the project, “Taxable Sales/Economic Forecast for Orange County (2017-18).”
Lynn Sargeant, professor of history: a $7,500 Reacting Consortium award for “Reacting to the Past Pedagogy Development.”
David Chenot, chair and associate professor of social work: $6,875 from the Regents of the University of California, Berkeley, for year three of the CalSWEC Mental Health Stipend Program. The program provides students with stipends to complete a master of social work degree in return for committing to work for a minimum of two years in a public child welfare agency. Related story: CSUF Awarded $1.4 Million to Train Child Welfare Workers
Denise Stanley, professor of economics: $2,348 from the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System for “The National DETA Research Center: Fostering Student Access and Success Through Evidence-Based Online Learning and Technology Advancements.”