Eight Cal State Fullerton students have been named inaugural participants in the Global Titans Leadership Program.
The student leaders will travel to Baja California Sur May 22-27 and support community development projects in the region, with travel sponsored by Southwest Airlines and other logistical aspects sponsored by University Extended Education (UEE).
“The students were nominated by faculty because, through previous study abroad experiences, they demonstrated significant abilities to collaborate effectively with others and to potentially serve as leaders,” said Kari Knutson Miller, dean of UEE and associate vice president for international programs and global engagement.
“Not too many science majors study abroad, but it’s so important to our education,” said Maddie Ybarra, a senior biological science major who is excited to see firsthand the unique plant life of the Sonoran Desert.
Once the students return, they will lead, mentor and promote study abroad experiences for incoming freshmen in the First Year Experience program.
“I remember being a freshman and not really knowing what I wanted to study,” said Andrew Vo, who now aspires to work in a public relations agency. “Putting myself out there, and studying abroad, really did help define what I wanted to do in the future.”
Echoing that sentiment, Diana Greer said studying abroad opened her eyes to the idea of becoming a college professor. “Every time I travel outside my comfort zone, I find something that I’m interested in,” she said. “One day, I want to tell my daughter stories of all the things I did in college and let her know that I became a leader.”
The participating students and their majors include:
- Andrew Adsen, history and Spanish
- Dylan Azevedo, business administration-accounting
- Yuliana Carrillo, civil engineering
- Diana Greer, English
- Whitney Sasao, child and adolescent development
- Lucero Sosa, human services
- Andrew Vo, communications
- Maddie Ybarra, biological science
“I’m thrilled that we have all of these disciplines represented in the Global Titans Leadership Program,” said Knutson Miller, who will accompany the students to Mexico along with Rose Adams, lecturer in art. “Each one is an expert at something no one else is, and together, we will develop an interdisciplinary learning experience for future Titans.”