Five campus members have been recognized for their efforts in science, student support or creative endeavors.
Aimee Nelson, director of the Center for Careers in Teaching, has been named a recipient of the 2016 California Teachers Association State Gold Award. She was given the award for her support of teachers, students and public education, and her work with a new mentorship program that pairs undergraduate students with teachers. CSUF alumnus and mathematics teacher, Al Rabanera ’07 (M.S. education-secondary education) of the Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization, nominated Nelson.
Tonantzin Oseguera, associate vice president for student engagement, was honored with a “Women of Distinction” award for her outstanding accomplishments in the 65th Assembly District. Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton) selected Oseguera, who was among local women recognized in the fields of education, arts, business, community service and health services.
Jocelyn Read, an astrophysicist and gravitational-wave researcher, is a recipient of a 2017 “Women of the Year” award in the category of science and technology. Read, assistant professor of physics, is among 15 women honored by state Sen. Josh Newman (D-Fullerton) for making a difference in their communities, and who work or live in California’s 29th Senate District.
Professors of art Cliff Cramp and Chuck Grieb have been nominated for awards for their illustrative work in the recent Expose 12 competition. Cramp was also selected to serve as a judge in the 2017 Society of Illustrators Los Angeles Illustration West Competition. Grieb is a featured FX Pose artist in the June 2017 issue of Imagine FX magazine.