Among the campus faculty members who have had work recently published:
Mary Ann Villarreal, assistant vice president of strategic initiatives and interim director for First-Year Experiences, served as guest editor for Vol. 28, Issue 2 of Metropolitan Universities, the publication of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities. The publication, subtitled “Charting the Future of Metropolitan Universities,” covered the 2016 annual CUMU conference in Washington, D.C., and included an introduction by Villarreal.
Phil Weir-Mayta, assistant professor in human communication studies, and five faculty members from the University of Washington, Seattle, co-authored “Internally Versus Externally Cued Speech in Parkinson’s Disease and Cerebellar Disease” in the June issue American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. He spoke about the paper in March 2016 at the Conference on Motor Speech in Newport Beach.
Douglas J. Navarick, professor of psychology, and graduate student Brittany Page ‘13 (B.A. psychology) co-authored “The Three Shades of Atheism: How Atheists Differ in Their Views on God” in Vol. 22, No. 2 of Skeptic.