Update: Tadashi Funahashi, chief innovation officer for Kaiser Permanente Southern California, has been added to the executive panel with Jamie Hale, CEO and co-founder of Ladder Life Insurance, and David Loughran, co-founder and chief economist of Praedicat Inc. The panel discussion will be moderated by Sam Cargill, CEP of AON Private Insurance.
Cal State Fullerton’s Center for Insurance Studies will host a Monday, Sept. 18, insurance forum featuring a moderated discussion with David Jones, California Department of Insurance commissioner.
“Insurtech, Innovation and the Future of the Insurance Industry” will cover what is happening in the industry, especially the increasing roles of new technologies, said Weili Lu, director of the center, which is housed in the Mihaylo College of Economics and Business. “We believe that this will be a particularly important day for those working in and considering a future in insurance.”
Jones was elected commissioner in 2010 and regulates the largest insurance market in the nation. He previously served in the California State Assembly from 2004 to 2010, where he chaired the Assembly Health Committee, Assembly Judiciary Committee and Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services. He served in the Clinton administration for three years as special assistant and counsel to U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno.
A special guest speaker for the 2-4 p.m. program will be Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, who will be discussing the use of social media in a recent multimillion-dollar workers’ compensation fraud investigation. Rackauckas is a former Superior Court judge and has served as district attorney since 1998.
In addition, there will be a panel discussion with Jamie Hale, CEO and co-founder of Ladder Life Insurance, and David Loughran, co-founder and chief economist of Praedicat Inc.
The program will be held in Cal State Fullerton’s Titan Student Union, 800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, 92831.
The cost for an individual seat is $550 and a corporate table sponsorship is $5,000. Additional sponsorships also are available. For more information, contact Weili Lu, 657-278-3679. Reservations may be made online.