Cal State Fullerton American studies professor Elaine Lewinnek will be part of a lunchtime conversation Tuesday, Sept. 19, at Pollak Library on “Boom Conversation: Three Orange Counties.”
Jason Sexton, Pollak Library faculty fellow and editor of Boom California, will moderate the 1-2 p.m. “brown-bag” lunch series in Room 130, open to the public and campus community. The panel also features author and English professor Tom Zoellner of Chapman University.
The conversation will focus on Orange County today, known for its beach cities, amusement parks, and diverse political, economic and ethnic compositions. Lewinnek is co-editor of the forthcoming People’s Guide to Orange County (UC Press).
Other upcoming Boom California public events are:
- “Latin American Religion in Southern California,” from 1-2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, in Room 130 of the Pollak Library. The featured presenter is Jennifer Hughes, associate professor of history at UC Riverside, whose research and teaching focuses on Latin American and Latino religions, religion and art, and the role of religion in colonialism and decolonization.
- “Undocumented California: An Evening of Readings and Music,” will be presented from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 5, at
Cine Tonalá in Tijuana, Mexico. The event is co-sponsored by the California Historical Society and focuses on California border ecology, highlighting a shared identity as Californians and bridge-builders.
Boom California is a peer-reviewed University of California Press publication dedicated to inspiring lively conversations about social and cultural issues in California. For more information about the events, visit online or contact Sexton at 657-278-7754.