Can science provide the moral answers to such issues as abortion, euthanasia and organ donation — without the guidance of religious ideology or philosophy? Cal State Fullerton alumnus Michael Shermer ’78 (M.A. psychology) returns to his alma mater Thursday, Oct. 19, to present his case.
Shermer is the author of “The Moral Arc” and nearly a dozen other books on the evolution of human beliefs and behavior. He is the founding publisher of Skeptic magazine, editor of Skeptic.com, a columnist for Scientific American and the recipient of CSUF’s 2002 Distinguished Alumnus Award.
The free, public event, titled “Solving Moral Dilemmas: How Do We Know What’s Right?” will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Titan Student Union’s Titan Theater. Joining Shermer for the discussion are Douglas Navarick, professor of psychology, and Ryan Nichols, associate professor of philosophy.
The event is hosted by CSUF’s chapter of the Psi Chi international honor society in psychology and will be moderated by Jesse Dollemore and Brittany Page, co-hosts of the “I Doubt It With Dollemore” podcast. Visit dollemore.com/events for more information and to RSVP.