The end of the fall semester is coming soon and for many students it’s the beginning of that last push to finish that project or paper, catch up on reading assignments and cram for finals.
To make it easier, Associated Students Inc. hosts its biannual all-night study program beginning today and continuing through Dec. 15 in the Titan Student Union and Student Recreation Center.
This year’s theme is Mammoth Study, an homage to the classic “Jurassic Park” film and to the newest Titan on campus, a woolly mammoth fossil. Students can receive massages, participate in candlelight yoga or Zumba classes, cuddle with puppies, take a power nap and play billiards or laser tag, as well as access computers, gather with others to study, or grab a midnight drink to keep going.
In addition, the Titan Pride Center will host a special promotion to give students the opportunity to win a pair of Universal Studios tickets. Mammoth foam-core bones at each event throughout the two weeks will serve as an entry into the opportunity drawing. Students just need to return a bone (limit one per student) to the Titan Pride Center, located on the main level of the Titan Student Union.
For more information, visit, or call 657-278-5869.