Several communications faculty members and two art professors recently presented papers and research, and had works published or exhibited.
Three Communications faculty members presented papers earlier this month at the 2018 Hawaii University International Conferences Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education 7th Annual Conference in Honolulu.
- Anthony Fellow, professor of communications, offered “Tweeting to Freedom: The Use of Social Media in Fomenting Revolutions around the World.”
- Jason Shepard, associate professor of communications, presented “Regulating the Adult Film Industry after Prop 60: Mandatory Condom Laws and First Amendment Scrutiny.”
- Ying-Chiao Tsao, associate professor of communication sciences and disorders, presented “Understanding the Emotional Impact of Communication Disorders as a Way to Develop Counseling Skills.”
Chuck Grieb, professor of art, was selected to exhibit in the main show of the October 2018 IX Illuxcon. IX is the first art show and symposium dedicated solely to imaginative realism.
Grieb and Cliff Cramp, also a professor of art, had their work selected for inclusion in the upcoming sixth volume of the annual “Infected By Art,” a tome that showcases the realistic fantasy art known as imaginative realism. Theirs were among just 330 pieces selected from nearly 2,200 submissions. Cramp, a member of the board of directors of the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles, discussed his work this month on a podcast by Santosh Oommen of the society.
Anthony Sparks, assistant professor of cinema and television arts, will speak about the power of storytelling, Friday, Jan. 26, at Reimagining Religion 2018 “New Stories, New Communities,” a one-day conference offered by the University of Southern California, Religion News Association and Religion Communications Council.
Chelsea Reynolds, assistant professor of communications, will present her research “Reportage About Craigslist Sex Forums in Mainstream Newspapers and LGBTQ and Feminist Magazines” May 24-28 at the International Communication Association’s 68th annual conference, in Prague. Reynolds joined the faculty in August.