When a department needs a certain something, who does it turn to? Now campus members can explore the opportunities at a Monday, Feb. 26, Vendor Expo and meet more than 70 suppliers of a wide range of goods and services. The 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will be held in Portola Pavilion of the Titan Student Union.
In addition to learning more about the vendors the campus does business with, attendees can attend breakout sessions to discuss procurement procedures, how to fill out campus work orders, what services can be expected from digital print services and more.
Reservations are not necessary, but attendees will be asked to sign in or leave a business card. The list of attendees will be shared with attending companies, 30 percent of whom are not currently affiliated with the campus.
For more information, contact Sergio Rodriguez, contracts operation manager, at 567-278-5492 or serodriguez@fullerton.edu.