A wide range of programs, including a documentary, workshops and lectures, are being offered in celebration of National Public Health Week. Among the activities:
April 2-5 — distribution of information on “Sleep Hygiene” by TitanWell Hut at various locations and times;
Monday, April 2 — “What Is Public Health?” in front of the Kinesiology and Health Science Building from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.;
Wednesday, April 4 — “Fooducation” nutrition workshop from 4 to 5 p.m. in Room 150 of the Juniper Building in student housing, and a 4 p.m. screening of the documentary “Human Flow” and discussion on human migration and the global refugee crisis, in Kinesiology and Health Science Building Room 193F;
Thursday, April 5 — “Digging Into Diversity: How Do Spirituality and Health Promotion Interrelate?” presented by Dara Vazin from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Pollak Library Room 240;
Monday, April 9 — “O.C. Healthier Together” data dashboard information session by the O.C. Health Care Agency. The program on how to access and use the dashboard will be held from noon to 1 p.m. in KHS Room 193F.
The effort is sponsored by the Department of Health Science, TitanWell and the Southern California Society for Public Health Education, as well as the College of Health and Human Development student organizations Peer Health Network, Eta Sigma Gamma, American Society of Safety Engineers and the Master’s of Public Health Student Association.
For more information, contact Laura Chandler, lchandler@fullerton.edu, or Lilia Espinoza, liespinoza@fullerton.edu.