Caitlin Christianson, Hunter X. Huang, Hadley Mattwig and Pamela Susan Rush — all M.F.A. painting and drawing and illustration students currently residing at Cal State Fullerton’s Grand Central Art Center — will exhibit some of their work in their open studios beginning at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 3. The studios are located on the main floor of the Santa Ana-based center.
The students’ unveiling kicks off several exhibitions this season and coincides with the city’s First Saturday Art Walk. Among these is “Exchange” by Bradley McCallum and Jacqueline Tarry, and “Regionalia,” by longtime Grand Central’s artists-in-residence Cog*nate Collective, which will show works derived from the many collaborations the duo has enjoyed with students, residence and groups in nearly four years.
Saturday also will see the first of a conversation series hosted by Cog*nate Collective and Grand Central Art Center that center around citizenship and belonging. Guest speakers at the 6 p.m. conversation, “How Do Marketplaces Help Us Make Home? A Conversation on Markets and (Be)Longing,” includes Karen Stocker, CSUF associate professor of anthropology.
Grand Central Art Center, which won “Best Art Gallery” in the OC Weekly‘s “Best of 2017” list, is located at 125 N. Broadway in Santa Ana. Additional information is available on the center’s website.