Faculty members from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences have been showcasing their research in a variety of ways, from online videos to publications in scientific journals to community presentations. Among the scholarly activities are:
Lucía Alcalá, assistant professor of psychology, was featured in the National Science Foundation’s 2018 Video Showcase. “Learning by Helping,” part of a collection of more than 200 videos aimed at improving STEM learning and teaching, shows how helping others may be a powerful motivator for children to engage in science.
Peter Fashing and Nga Nguyen, faculty members in anthropology, recently co-authored a peer-reviewed article titled “Multilevel Social Structure and Diet Shape the Gut Microbiota of the Gelada Monkey, the Only Grazing Primate” for the scientific journal Microbiome.
Fashing also is the co-author of three other articles on Ethiopian monkeys for the American Journal of Primatology, BMC Ecology and Primates, as well as one on African and Ethiopian wolves for Royal Society Open Access.
Natalie Fousekis, professor of history and director of the Lawrence de Graaf Center for Oral and Public History, gave a presentation on “Interviewing Political Women in the Age of Clinton and Trump” in May at the League of Women Voters of Orange County annual meeting in Irvine.
Thomas Fujita-Rony, associate professor of Asian American studies, was among the presenters for a panel on “Achieving Ethnic Studies” at Chapman University’s third annual Education and Ethnic Studies Summit in late April. The conference theme was “Nurturing Community: Critical Consciousness, Spirituality and Solidarity.”