Among recently published works are the following items authored by College of Communications faculty:
Robert Meeds, associate professor of communications, co-authored the article “Comparing Visual Attention Allocated to Thematic, Attribute and Benefit Sentences in Advertising Copy Blocks: An Eye Tracking Approach,” in Vol. 39, Issue 2 of the Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising.
Chelsea Reynolds, assistant professor of communications, authored “Building Theory From Media Ideology: Coding for Power in Journalistic Discourse” in the Journal of Communication Inquiry. Her study explores critical-qualitative research methods in journalism studies. Additionally, she also wrote a commentary, “Why Millennials Will Swipe Left on Facebook’s new Dating Service,” in Fortune, arguing that this new dating service will likely not catch on as massively as some predict.
Warren Lewis, a lecturer in cinema and television arts, authored “The Treatment: A Teaching Tool, a Step in the Development of Narrative and as a Professional Sales Document,” in the April issue of Journal of Media Education.