With a range of expertise in sociology, modern languages and literatures, linguistics and religious studies, four new faculty members joined Cal State Fullerton’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences this fall.
Taylor Cruz
Assistant professor of sociology
Ph.D. sociology, University of California, San Francisco
B.S. business, Arizona State University
Research interests: Health politics and policy, political sociology, medical sociology, science and technology studies
Most impactful undergraduate academic/co-curricular experience: Conducting original research as an undergraduate student
One thing you’d like others to know: I am a San Francisco Bay Area native, and previously taught at California State University, East Bay and San Jose State University.
Favorite book or film: “The Hours”
Daniel Rueckert
Assistant professor of modern languages and literatures
Ph.D. curriculum, instruction and media technology, Indiana State University
B.A. Spanish, University of Utah
Research interests: Gamified instruction, technology and language learning, and language learning in professional baseball
Most impactful undergraduate academic/co-curricular experience: Service-learning with adults learning English at an alternative high school
One thing you’d like others to know: I’m open to cross-disciplinary research.
Favorite book or film: “The Princess Bride”
Kenneth Van Bik
Assistant professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics
Ph.D., M.A. linguistics, University of California, Berkeley
M.A. religion, American Baptist Seminary of the West
B.S. physics, University of Yangon, Myanmar
Research interests: Historical-comparative linguistics, morphology, lexicography, Tibeto-Burman linguistics, sociolinguistics and second language acquisition
Most impactful undergraduate academic/co-curricular experience: Learning English as a physics major at Rangoon University in Burma
One thing you’d like others to know: I am a Chin from Burma and “Martha’s pa” (father of Martha).
Favorite book or film: “Forrest Gump”
Mugdha Yeolekar
Assistant professor of religious studies
Ph.D. religious studies, Arizona State University
M.A. political science, University of British Columbia
M.A., B.A. political science, University of Pune, India
B.A. Sanskrit and Indology, Tilak Maharashtra University, India
Research interests: Agency, gender, materiality, and technology in Indian religions
Most impactful undergraduate academic/co-curricular experience: Serving as president of the literature club and debating club, and organizer of mock parliament
One thing you’d like others to know: I like to go hiking. I enjoy cooking and occasionally teach Indian cooking. I love gardening and am growing or learning to grow grapes, bananas, guava and mulberry, as well as vegetables in my backyard.
Favorite TV show: “Seinfeld”