To bring home the importance of ‘preparing home and family in the event of an earthquake, University Police will be hosting the Quake Trailer, an 8.0 magnitude simulator, Wednesday, Oct. 10, in the Quad.
In addition, geology faculty and student members of the Geology Club will be on hand to give liquefaction demonstrations, and theatre students will apply professional make up to volunteers as earthquake victims among ‘earthquake debris.’ Information on earthquakes and earthquake preparedness, as well as emergency preparedness kits for purchase will be available.
Demonstrations, information and emergency preparedness kits will be available from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; the Quake Trailer will be on campus from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The ShakeOut activities will be followed by a Wednesday, Oct. 17, campuswide “Drop, Cover and Hold On” drill at 10:10 a.m. and at 7:10 p.m. There will be no building evacuations.
“Preparing your home and family for the possibility of disaster — including how to evacuate, having kits ready and located in a safe location — are crucial for the safety of your loved ones and recovery following an event like an earthquake,” says Sue Fisher, emergency management coordinator with University Police. “Staying mindful of emergency-response procedures and participating in evacuation, shelter-in-place and earthquake drills also are important ways to prepare.”