Does everyone want to be a Titan? Sure seems that way.
Campus statistics show more students than ever are applying for admission to Cal State Fullerton. And more are accepting than in previous years.
“Our goal was to admit more students this year and we’re running ahead of where we thought we’d be this time,” said Larry Martin, interim director of admissions. “Not only are we seeing increasing interest from students within our service area but from outside areas as well.”
The deadline to accept admission is May 1 and Martin notes that about 1,500 more offers have been accepted than at this time last year.
“We anticipate those numbers will rise even higher as the deadline approaches,” he said. “We tend to see a flurry of activity in the days just prior to the deadline.”
As of April 16: 50,090 first-time freshmen had applied, 25,973 were offered admission and 2,223 students accepted. For transfer students, 25,541 applied, 9,351 were offered admission and 2,424 have accepted.
Why are more students attracted to Cal State Fullerton than in previous years?
“I think there are a number of reasons,” Martin said. “As our president says, we are a university of significance and people are starting to realize that. We have received high rankings in numerous areas by established sources. We are a national model for many other university campuses. The caliber of our academic programs is outstanding.
“We recently celebrated ‘Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day’ on campus and attracted more newly admitted students and their parents than ever before,” he continued. “I think, because we are such a large campus, students who’ve never been here before are nervous. But when they, and their families, see how friendly and welcoming we are, they relax. They see the diversity of our student body. And we make it clear that we want them here. They feel valued.
“Also, as the institution ages, we see students whose parents or other family members and friends attended here,” he continued. “These alumni encourage them to apply, too. Our campus is becoming a legacy for many families.”