Los Angeles Times feature writer Gustavo Arellano will present a free, public talk Saturday, June 1, talk sponsored by the Patrons of the Pollak Library.
The 2 p.m. program will be held in Room 130 of the Pollak Library.
Arellano, served as a lecturer in CSUF’s College of Communications, as well as OC Weekly reporter and editor for 21 years, and is author of the nationally syndicated column “¡Ask a Mexican!” He also authored “Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America” and “Orange County: A Personal History.”
The Patrons of the Pollak Library helps strengthen the campus library by augmenting the facilities’ holdings through purchase, attracting gifts and volunteer services to the library and promoting the library’s educational mission.
For more information, contact Joanne Gass at jgass@fullerton.edu.