Fifty-seven faculty members have been awarded sabbatical leaves for projects ranging from books and publications, artwork creation, research and classroom development. A further 12 faculty were awarded difference-in-leaves, according to Faculty Affairs and Records.
Examples of such work include:
- An evaluation of the College of Health and Human Development’s Peer Mentor Program, which serves approximately 500 students each year across the college’s five undergraduate majors — Mia Sevier, professor of human services;
- a study of the efficacy of online coursework for business and economics students, including learning outcomes across teaching modes — Denise Stanley, professor of economics; and
- the creation of 10 art pieces that will visually explore the way humans attain power by manipulating or controlling voting structures — Christina Smith, professor of art.
Two sabbaticals, awarded last year and begun in the spring semester, will continue through the fall semester: Dydia DeLyser, assistant professor of geography and the environment, “Hidden in the Bright Light: The Untold History of Neon Signs in America” and Laura Zettel-Watson, professor of psychology, “Older Adults’ Use of Everyday Technology for Health-Related Purposes.”
In addition, a difference-in-pay leave, awarded last year to Rebecca Dolhinow, associate professor of women and gender studies, continues through the fall semester. The title is “Student Activism in the Era of the Corporate University.”
Faculty and the titles of their projects are:
Spring 2019
Sandra Perez-Linggi, professor of modern languages and literatures, “Instructional Improvement in the University Honors Program to Promote Cultural Understanding and Attract More Underserved Students”
Fall 2019
Mehmet Akbulut, associate professor of finance, “Investor Attention and Merger and Acquisition Outcomes”
Susan Cadwallader, associate professor of marketing, “Strategy Implementation in the Service Sector: A Three-Part Narrative Literature Review”
Daniel Cavagnaro, lecturer in information systems and decision sciences, “Statistical Software for Providing New Insights Into the Psychology of Decision Making”
Mark Drayse, chair and professor of geography and the environment, “Spatial and Environmental Conflicts Over Alternative Energy: Wind Energy in Northern New York”
Mira Farka, associate professor of economics, “Unconventional Monetary Policy for Unconventional Times”
Rachel Fenning, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, “Federally Funded Research Activities in Autism Spectrum Disorder”
Howard Forman, associate professor of marketing, “An Examination of the Antecedents to New Technology and Product Adoption: A Dual Scholarly and Instructional Approach”
Mikhail Gofman, associate professor of computer science, “New Online Certified Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Training Program”
Juye Ji, associate professor of social work, “Long-Term Developmental Outcomes of Maltreated and Non-maltreated Comparison Adolescents”
Veronica Jimenez Ortiz, assistant professor of biological science, “Structural and Functional Analysis of Parasite’s channels”
Jinghui Liu, professor of modern languages and literatures, “Chinese Culture and Society Through Movies After 1978”
Archana McEligot, professor of public health, “Big Data Analytics, Statistical Learning and Large Open-Source Datasets in Examining the Relationship Between Dietary Patterns, Micronutrients and Energetics With Breast Cancer Diagnoses”
Ruth Mielke, associate professor of nursing, “Clinical Learning Innovations and Interprofessional Education With Midwife and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Students in a Community Clinic”
Niroshika Monerawila Keppetipola, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, “Developing a New Area of Protein Biochemistry Research at CSUF”
Angela-MinhTu Nguyen, assistant professor of psychology, “Empowering Students With Intersecting Identities: Women in STEM and Latinx First-Generation College Students”
Julie Orser, associate professor of art, “Unknown Artist”
Toby Rider, associate professor of kinesiology, will work on a book about “Great Britain and the Sports Boycott of Apartheid South Africa”
Mia Sevier, professor of human services, “Research and Dissemination of the College of Health and Human Development Peer Mentor Program: A Literature Review, Program Description and Program Evaluation”
Shahin Shahi, professor of electrical engineering, “Using Statistical and Machine-Learning Methods to Design the Resilient and Adaptive Networks With Intrusion Detection” and “Control Systems for Multiple Telescope Interferometry”
Rebekah Smart, professor of counseling, “Sexual Harassment and the #MeToo Cultural Moment: Therapists’ Personal Reactions and Professional Experiences”
Denise Stanley, professor of economics, “Online Learning for Subgroups of Business and Economics Student: Is It Equivalent?”
Linda Stanton, professor of English, comparative literatures and linguistics, “Big Bang Bard: Shakespeare and Quantum Physics”
J. Chris Westgate, professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics, “’Da Real Ting’: The Bowery Boy on Stage From Mose the Fireman to the Mayor of Chinatown”
Fang Zhang, assistant professor of economics, “International Spillover of Economic Uncertainty During Booms and Busts”
Fall 2019-Spring 2020
Catherine Brennan, biological science, “Using Drosophila to Investigate Mechanisms of Control of Macrophage Inflammation”
Claudia Evans-Zepeda, assistant professor of human communication studies, “Contemplative Communication Pedagogy: Applying Practices to Enhancing Learning and Support Student Wellbeing”
Natalie Graham, associate professor of African American studies, completion of the novel “Season of Woe”
Emily Lee, professor of philosophy, revisions to the book “A Phenomenology of Race”
Jocelyn Read, associate professor of physics, “Nuclear Physics on an Astronomical Scale: The Crash of Neutron Stars and the Future of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy”
Spring 2020
Jason Baker, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, “Promotion of Autism Research and Student Mentorship”
Michele Barr, lecturer in kinesiology, “Development of New Online, Interactive Textbook and Revision of Existing Interactive E-Textbook”
Alain Bourget, professor of mathematics, “Textbook in Real Analysis/Smallest Eigenvalue of KMS Matrices”
Esther Chen, associate professor of biological science, “Testing for Direct Regulation of Small RNA Genes by the ChvI Protein in the Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Sinorhizobium Meliloti”
Dana Collins, professor of sociology, “Struggle in Paradise: Using Fiction to Teach and Write About Environmental Justice in Sociology”
Maria Cominis, professor of theatre and dance, “Two Publications for the Theatre” a new play and a book on production collaboration
Barbra Erickson, professor of anthropology, “Anthropology and Aging: A Four-Fields Perspective”
Guadalupe Espinoza, assistant professor of child and adolescent studies, “The Impact of Personal and Witnessed Cyberbullying Experiences on the Well-Being of Asian American, Latino and White Adolescents: A Daily Diary and Longitudinal Approach”
Lilia Espinoza, associate professor of health science, “Developing a New Course on and Expanding Scholarship in Latinx Health”
Jacqueline Frost, professor of cinema and television arts, “Creating the Image: A Dialogue on the Art and Craft of Cinematography”
Andrew Gill, professor of economics, “The Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance and Financial Outcomes”
Jianxin “James” Gong, associate professor of accounting, “Is Time the Best Witness? An Examination of Time Horizon Issues in CEO Pay-Performance Studies”
Jennifer Goldstein, professor of educational leadership, “Reimagining Leadership Preparation as School District Technical Assistance”
Cherie Ichinose, associate of mathematics, “Course Redesign With Technology and GI 2025: Creating Graduation Pathways in Mathematics for All Students”
Maria Koleilat, associate professor of health science, “Understanding Postpartum Weight Retention and Intervening to Prevent It Among WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children) Participants in Southern California”
Sean Loyd, assistant professor of geological sciences, “Authigenic Carbonate Formation in Microbial and Abiotic Settings: Continued Geobiological Research and Course Development”
Phoolendra Mishra, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, “Hydrology and Hydrogeology for Environmental Engineers”
Kimberly Norman, professor of elementary and bilingual education, “Preparing Teachers for Transitional Kindergarten: Examining Teacher Development and Establishing a Professional Learning Community”
Debra Patterson, professor of kinesiology, “Development of an Online Learning Module for Common Core State Standards and Physical Education Content Standards”
Rebecca Sheehan, associate professor of cinema and television arts, “Cinema’s Laocoön: Film, Sculpture and the Virtual”
Christina Smith, professor of art, “A Visual Exploration of Enfranchisement and Disenfranchisement in the American Political Landscape”
Fleur Tehrani, professor of electrical engineering, “Analysis of the Respiratory Control in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Childhood Factors Affecting the Development of the Disease”
Ofir Turel, professor of information systems and decision sciences, “Reducing Information Systems Security Misbehaviors With Noninvasive Interventions”
Susie Woo, assistant professor of American studies, “Interracial Crossings: Reimagining the Body in America’s Cold War Pacific”
Lawrence Yun, professor of art, “Artist-in-Residence/Visiting Scholar at School of Fine Arts, Nanjing Normal University, China”
Difference in Pay Leaves
Fall 2019-Spring 2020
Fatima Alali, professor of accounting, will conduct research on the effect of board diversity as a governance mechanism on film’s performance in an emergency market, as well as develop a comprehensive audit case for use in the classroom.
Iris Blandon-Gitlin, professor of psychology, will complete a grant proposal to the National Science Foundation, as well as two manuscripts co-authored with students.
Jennifer Chandler, associate professor of management, “Innovation and Service Systems: Managing Value Creation in the Digital Economy”
Peter Fashing, professor of anthropology, intends to continue ongoing Ethiopian wildlife research collaborations with faculty and students at the University of Oslo. Fashing also will analyze data from an ongoing field research project on wild gelada monkey behavior and ecology at Guassa, Ethiopia.
Cynthia King, professor of communications, seeks to develop open source and/or low-cost instructional materials to replace current textbooks/costly online resources for communications research methods courses.
Nga Nguyen, professor of anthropology, will use her Fulbright Award for “Children in Nature: How Time in Nature Affects Sex Differences in Play Behavior and the Gut Microbiota of Preschool Children in Norway.”
Eliza Noh, professor of Asian American studies, plans to complete a book proposal and make final revisions to an existing book-length manuscript based on ongoing, empirical research of suicide among Asian American women.
Nancy Segal, professor of psychology, will be writing “The Dark Twin Study: Secrets, Cover-Ups and Fractured Lives” based on the 1950s-1980s New York twin study featured in the film “Three Identical Strangers,” as well as a second book involving twin separation due to the twins having different fathers, one who is not a U.S. citizen.
Fall 2019
Ryan Nichols, professor of philosophy, using a John Templeton Foundation Academic Cross-Training grant, seeks to gain skills in the social science to better understand China.
Spring 2020
Heidi Fearn, professor of physics, “A Novel Space Drive”
Malini Krishnamurthi, lecturer in information systems and decision sciences, “Implementing Health Care Analytics Systems to Improve Health Care Delivery at a Local Hospital on the West Coast.”