Dear Titan Family:
It is with such a heavy heart and a deep and profound sense of sadness that I inform you that our colleague and friend, Steven Chan, a beloved and long-serving member of the Titan Family, passed away this morning after a tragic and senseless attack in the parking lot behind College Park.
Steven, who served as our CSUF Director of Budget and Finance and Student Services for University Extended Education from 2009 until his retirement in 2017, returned to campus as a special consultant in early 2019 to provide his sage guidance and wisdom. I did not have the honor of knowing Steven personally or working with him directly, but over the past few hours, in providing a shoulder to lean on for those who were close to him, it is clear that he was beloved for his commitment to and passion for both Cal State Fullerton and our Titan Family.
As the investigation into Steven’s death is ongoing, we are unable to provide information beyond what the Fullerton Police share publicly. What I can do, however, is join all of you in adding to the tremendous outreach of love and support that has already embraced our Titan Family during this tragic and difficult time. That begins with pausing in thought and prayer for Steven, his family, and all Titans who are grieving and grappling with the reality of such an unspeakable act and tragic loss in our community. To that end, on behalf of all Titans, I reached out to Steven’s loved ones this afternoon to express our condolences and offer any other support that we can. Please join me in continuing to keep them and all those affected by this tragic and senseless loss in our thoughts and prayers.
In these dark hours, I take solace in knowing that we are a deeply connected Titan Family who love and respect each other beyond measure, and like all families, in the face of such tragedy, our bonds will only strengthen; our sense of community will only heighten; and our love for one another will only deepen. In the days and weeks to come, I am confident that it will be these Titan Family attributes that provide the comfort and care we need not only to grieve and heal, but also to honor Steven’s life and legacy.
Our University Police, working in partnership with the Fullerton Police, will continue to brief the campus community as more facts come in. These two agencies working in tandem with our Strategic Communications teams were instrumental in providing the campus community with timely warnings and information this morning. Even more important, please know that from the moment the call came into our University Police, all efforts were in full force to provide for the safety of our students, faculty, and staff. These men and women, who courageously ran towards danger in the name of protecting our Titan Family, are tireless champions, and I ask that you join me in thanking them. Given the nature of the incident and in light of our continued number one concern — the safety of our faculty, staff, and students — police presence will continue to be greater in both numbers and visibility over the coming days and weeks.
Students in need of support during this difficult time are encouraged to contact Counseling and Psychological Services at 657-278-3040; faculty, staff, and administrators can reach out to Alisha Brown, Director of Total Wellness, at 657-278-2824; and as always, any Titan in need of anything can reach out to me personally.
Life is so precious and family and friendships so dear. In the coming days, weeks, and months, we will all honor and remember Steven in our own way. But today and tonight, I ask and encourage you, in honor of Steven, to reach out to those you love and tell them so. Think good thoughts or say a prayer for Steven and his family.
And in that spirit, please know, my Titan Family, that I love and cherish each of you.
Fram Virjee