Four doctoral students affiliated with Cal State Fullerton have been named among this year’s CSU Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program.
Two alumni are so honored this year: Edson Andrade ‘18 (M.S. counseling – marriage and child counseling), is attending the doctoral program in counseling at Idaho State University; and Shayna La Scala ‘19 (B.S. human services) is starting the doctoral program in sociology at UC Riverside.
“I am so happy to be a part of the Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program and receive extra support, training and continued mentorship to come back to the CSU as a professor in the future,” says La Scala. “This is a great pathway, from the support I received as a McNair Scholar and a Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholar to this program.”
Also honored: Kimberly Miranda, a master’s student at UCLA, is being mentored by Erualdo Gonzalez, chair and professor of Chicana and Chicano studies at Cal State Fullerton; and Marina Chavez, a doctoral student at UC Santa Barbara with mentorship from Alexandro Gradilla, CSUF associate professor of Chicana and Chicano studies.
The goal of the California State University Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program is to increase the number of faculty with the qualifications, motivation, and skills needed to teach the diverse students of the CSU. More information is available at the CSU program website.