Among the six new librarians who have joined the campus over the summer and fall are two alumni whose areas of service are student success and managing the government documents repository.

Ilda Cardenas
Electronic resources librarian
MLIS, San Jose State University; B.A. history, UC Berkeley
Research interests: Usage statistics, both COUNTER, which provides a code of practice that enables publishers and vendors to report usage of their electronic resources in a consistent way, and SUSHI (Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative); failure in libraries; relationship between social media use and authority control; and catalogists contacting authors as a means of consistent listings of authors/books.
Most impactful undergraduate academic/co-curricular experience: One of the reasons I became a librarian was when in a history class, I had to do a research paper. I went to the special collections library and a reference librarian was really thorough and helpful. I continued to run into him throughout my education and he was always terrific. I remember back on it fondly.
One thing you’d like others to know about you: I used to ride a motorcycle.
Favorite book: “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Jonathan Cornforth
Student success librarian
M.A. English, Cal State Fullerton; MLIS, San Jose State University
Research interests: How students know and think about information literacy concepts as they transition from secondary to higher education. I am also interested in peer education, best practices in library instruction and the impact of high-impact practices on learning within the context of an academic library.
Most impactful undergraduate academic/co-curricular experience: I greatly enjoyed living on campus as an undergraduate. I was part of a very supportive community. I took advantage of the resources residential life offered, including mentoring, workshops and social events. In terms of academics — and this may come as no surprise — the library was my second home. I studied there all the time.
One thing you’d like others to know about you: I have 10 fish.
Favorite film: “2001: A Space Odyssey”

Edward “Cotton” Coslett
Online education librarian
MLIS, Drexel University; B.A. in English writing and communications, University of Pittsburgh
Research interests: Information literacy instruction and assessment, online learning objects
Most impactful undergraduate academic/co-curricular experience: I was given a column in the school newspaper during my sophomore year, which allowed me to find the confidence to conduct research and get comfortable with deadlines and my own writing. I continued the column through graduation.
One thing you’d like others to know about you: About once a year, I like to pick a moment or topic in history and conduct as much research as possible before writing about it for my family and friends. Previous topics have included early boxing in the U.S., Greek Rebetiko music and the role of brothels in the American West. It’s a nice change of pace from the research I conduct for my work and it allows me a chance to share some pretty exciting (and strange) information.
Favorite book: Ray Bradbury’s “The Martian Chronicles”

Megan Graewingholt
Social sciences and government documents librarian
M.A. American studies, B.A. history and American studies, Cal State Fullerton; MLIS, San Jose State University
Research interests: The connection between academic library use and student success, the social life of government information, and exploring the opportunities and impact of primary source analysis during library instruction.
Most impactful undergraduate academic/co-curricular experience: Studying abroad at the University of Wales, Swansea, during my senior year.
One thing you’d like others to know about you: I coordinate the Government Documents Depository Collection at the Pollak Library as part of the Federal Depository Library Program. As a selective depository in this program, the collection provides free and open access to government information for university students, faculty and the general public to help ensure an informed citizenry within a democratic society. The collection includes federal, state, regional and local government documents (both in print and electronic) that can be used as primary sources and for a variety of multidisciplinary curricular purposes. I also serve as library liaison to the departments of American Studies, History and the Division of Politics, Administration and Justice.
Favorite book: “The Iron Heel” by Jack London

Michaela Keating
Senior assistant open educational resources librarian
M.A. history, and MLIS, University of Rhode Island; B.A. history and anthropology, Rhode Island College
Research interests: For librarianship — Open educational resources (OER) as a human rights issue, barriers to OER implementation, OER and student retention. For history/women’s and gender studies — gender in extreme metal music scenes, gender and wilderness in the Gilded Age.
Most impactful undergraduate academic experience: Getting to interview Sergei Khrushchev about the work of his father, Nikita Khrushchev, for a history independent study.
One thing I’d like others to know about me: I have a “Simpsons” quote for every occasion, and drop them into conversations regularly.
Favorite film: John Carpenter’s “The Thing”

Keri Prelitz
Collection development and management librarian
MLIS, San Jose State University; B.A. visual arts-media, UC San Diego
Research interests: Diversity issues in collection development
Most impactful undergraduate academic/co-curricular experience: Learning what I was and was not good at, beyond subject or specific assignments, and how to apply that to whatever task is at hand. Often this was the result of the assignments or classes that I was dreading or undervaluing. Those are the opportunities that often related the most to real life beyond college, and they allowed me to look at the bigger picture and figure out how to adapt a situation to better fit my skill set.
One thing you’d like others to know about you: I’m a mom of 3½-year-old twin boys, so I don’t scare easily and am really good at tuning out screaming.
Favorite book and film: “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” for both book and film (but only the original film with Gene Wilder)