Two photographers, including one Cal State Fullerton alumnus, will reflect on how religion is expressed in quotidian matters such as cooking, clothing and full-fledged ritual settings during an Oct. 8 talk hosted by the Department of Religious Studies.
The free, public event, “Infinite in Its Silence: Exploring Everyday Religion Through Photos,” will be held from 1-2:30 p.m. in Room 130 of the Pollak Library.
Speakers include Sej Saraiya, a documentary and cultural-conservation photographer, and Matthew Gush ’12 (B.F.A. art-creative photography), the university photographer at CSUF. Faculty members Mugdha Yeolekar and Jeanette Reedy Solano will serve as moderator and respondent, respectively.
Seating is limited. RSVP online at http://bit.ly/30Onlc6.
An exhibition featuring both photographers’ works will be on display on the second floor of the Pollak Library from Oct. 1 to Jan. 3.