Research into manta rays, electron scattering and emerging datasets for agriculture — as well as programs that encourage study in social work, allied health care and STEM fields — have garnered nearly $11.2 million in awards, grants and contracts during the first fiscal quarter of the academic year.
Among the notable awards is the $1,487,818 grant from the Regents of the University of California, Berkeley, to Mikyong Kim-Goh, chair and professor of social work, for the CalSWEC Mental Health Stipend Program.
The program provides students with stipends to complete a master of social work degree in return for committing to work for a minimum of two years in a public child welfare agency.
Another $1,154,431 U.S. Department of Education award was received by Mark Filowitz, associate vice president for academic programs, for year four of the “Regional Alliance in STEM Education (Project RAISE).” Related: Community College Students Dive Into STEM Summer Research in CSUF Labs
Among the other grant recipients:
Joshua Bilbrew, director of CSUF’s GEAR UP Program: $1,116,440 and $1,119,979 U.S. Department of Education grants in support of the Gaining Early Awareness & Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP).”
Dawn Macy, director of the Center for Internships and Community Engagement: $669,967 from the Buena Park School District for continuation of the “Titan After-School Education and Safety Program” at district schools. The after-school program offers youngsters assistance in developing math and reading skills and support with homework assignments, as well as offering special club activities, sports and games. Overseeing the enrichment programs are a cadre of college students from CSUF, community colleges and other universities.
David Chenot, professor of social work: $638,345 in second-year funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration for Health Careers Opportunity Program. Related: Program Helps Students See the Opportunities in Allied Health Care
Diana Vasquez, director of CSUF Upward Bound: Two U.S. Department of Education awards — $416,642 in support of “CSUF Upward Bound” and $287,533 for “CSUF Upward Bound North.” Related: High School Students ‘Upward Bound’ and SAT-Ready
Alyssa Hernandez, director of Educational Talent Search: $317,307 U.S. Department of Education award for “CSUF Talent Search” and an additional $267,995 for “CSUF Talent Search-Anaheim.” Related: Talent Search Prepares High School Students for College
Michael Loverude, professor of physics: $312,804 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research Award for “Beyond Procedures: A Research-Based Approach to Teaching Mathematical Methods in Physics.”
Nina Robson, associate professor of mechanical engineering: $297,693 from the Rancho Santiago Community College District for “Community-Sourced, Data-Driven Improvements to Open, Adaptive Courseware.” Robson also was awarded a $100,000 National Science Foundation planning grant for “Engineering Research Center for Human Interactive Technologies (HIT) project.”
Kristy Forsgren, associate professor of biological science: $273,447 National Science Foundation award for “Collaborative Research RUI: Regulation of the Transition From Primary to Secondary Ovarian Follicle Development by Androgens in a Teleost Model.”
Marcelo Tolmasky, professor of biological science: $258,522 from the National Institutes of Health for the project “LA Basin CSU MHRT Program.” Related: ‘Science Has No Borders’
Misty Paig-Tran, assistant professor of biological science: $256,143 National Science Foundation award for “Collaborative Research: Functional Morphology of a High-Efficiency Filtration Mechanism Identified in Manta Rays.” Related: Marine Biologists Discover Novel Filtration System in Giant Manta Rays
Sara Johnson, professor of anthropology: $250,000 in fourth-year funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for “Urban Agriculture Community-Based Research Experience (U-ACRE 3.0): Partnerships Across HSIs to Enhance the Student Research Experience.” Another U.S. Department of Agriculture award for U-ACRE, in the amount of $50,000, was awarded to John Bock, professor of anthropology, in support of a Southern California Urban Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems Research and Education Conference. Related: U-ACRE Wins a Statewide Award for Sustainability in Academics
H. Jochen Schenk, professor of biological science: $193,102 in third-year funding from the National Science Foundation for “RUI: Apoplastic Lipids in Zylem of Vascular Plants.”
Anand Panangadan, assistant professor of computer science: $179,178 U.S. Department of Agriculture award for “Learning to Analyze Emerging Datasets for Agriculture: Understanding Food Waste Behavior From Social Media.”
Kenneth Van Bik, assistant professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics: $164,798 National Science Foundation award for “Collaborative Research: Using the Structure of Verbal Complexes to Assess Linguistic Relationships.”
Joshua Smith, professor of physics: $164,314 award from the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System for “Data Handling and Analysis Infrastructure for Gravitational-Wave Astronomy.” Smith also received a $103,554 National Science Foundation award for “PURI: Ligo Optics.” Related: Neutron Star Devoured by a Massive Black Hole?
Murtadha Khakoo, professor of physics: $157,430 in first-year funding of a three-year National Science Foundation award for “RUI: Low-Energy Electron Scattering From Fundamental Molecular and Atomic Targets.”
Brady Heiner, associate professor of philosophy: $125,000 continuation award from the Bickerstaff Family Foundation for “Project Rebound 2019-20” and $55,000 from the North Orange County Public Safety Tax Force for the “Project Rebound House Initiative, CSUF Year 3.” Related: CSUF’s Project Rebound Launches Housing Initiative
Hope Johnson, professor of biological science: $89,908 National Science Foundation award for the project “CR: Manganese Phototrophy in Cyanobacteria.”
Zair Ibragimov, professor of mathematics: three CSU Sacramento University Enterprises, Inc., awards totalling $85,000 for “CSU-LSAMP 2018-2023/2019-20 year.” The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation is a program to increase disadvantaged students’ preparedness, persistence and retention in STEM programs.
Melanie Horn Mallers, professor of human services, and Katherine Bono, chair and professor of child and adolescent studies: $74,806 award from the North Orange County Public Safety Task Force for “Fullerton Resilient Families Program.” Related: Titan Researchers Aim to Build Resilience in Local Families
Jocelyn Read, associate professor of physics: $72,561 from the National Science Foundation for the “RUI: Dense Matter and Gravitational Waves.”
Deanna Jung, assistant professor of nursing: $63,303 award from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development for “Integration of Standardized Patients in the BSN Undergraduate Program.” Related: Learning the Human Touch
Alice Lee, assistant professor of public health: $60,000 continuation funding from the Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer for “Exploring the Impact of Infertility and its Treatment on Risk of Ovarian Cancer.”
Adriana Badillo, director of educational partnerships: $54,491 from the Santa Ana Unified School District for “SAUSD College Success Initiative 2019-2020.”
C. Jessie Jones, professor emeritus of public health and director of the Center for Healthy Neighborhoods: $52,000 award from St. Jude Hospital for the project “CSUF Social Work Interns 2019-2020.”
Laura Gil-Trejo, director of the Social Science Research Center: $39,524 from Harder+ Company Community Research Inc. for the project “BRIDGE Housing Corporation Household Telephone and Mail Survey Year 3.”
Geological science faculty members Sinan Akciz, assistant professor, and Matthew Kirby, professor: $38,242 from the University of Southern California – Southern California Earthquake Center for the “Multidisciplinary Investigation of Determining Incision Ages in the Carrizo Plain, California” project. Akciz also received an additional $8,002 from the USC/Southern California Earthquake Center for “Building the Community Rheology Model (CRM): Geological Investigation of Ductile Shear Zone Rheology.”
Sheryl Fontaine, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences: $33,500 Regents of the University of California award for the “California Global Education Project at CSU Fullerton.”
Stacy Mallicoat, professor of criminal justice: $29,088 from the Orange County Public Defender’s Office for “Recidivism Reduction Advisory Evaluation Services.”
Charles Lee, professor of mathematics: $25,000 award from Aerendir for “Device Authentication Using Biometric Information — an Algorithm Investigation.”
David Pagni, professor of mathematics: $16,000 University of California, Office of the President award for the “California Mathematics Project at CSU Fullerton.”
Alisa Flowers, director of the WoMen’s Center: $15,000 American Public Health Association award for “Violence Prevention Programming Action Planning Program.”
Joshua Yang, associate professor of public health: $15,000 in fifth-year funding from the American Lung Association for “Achieving Tobacco-Related Health Equity Among California’s Diverse Populations.”
Edward Knell, professor of anthropology, and Matthew Kirby, professor of geological sciences: $5,000 Anza-Borrego Foundation award for “Lake-Margin Wetland Habitat and Resource Patch Dynamics at Pluvial Lake Mojave and Other Mojave Desert Pluvial Lakes.”
Natalie Graham, associate professor of African American studies: $4,968 from the California Humanities for the project “Imagining Home: The Stories Photos Tell.”