Cal State Fullerton’s University Honors Program is collaborating with UC Irvine’s Campuswide Honors Program to host this year’s National Society for Minorities in Honors conference Oct. 24-26.
The two-day program, themed “Equity, Justice and UnderRepresented Students in Honors Education,” will feature panel and poster sessions, roundtable discussions and workshops, all geared for students and educators responsible for developing interventions and programs to enhance the advancement and success of minority students in honors education. Sessions include:
- “Disrupting the Status Quo: Developing an Honors Program Equity Plan”
- “An Exploration of How Students’ Identities, Challenges and Needs Shape the Honors Experience”
- “Men of Color in Education: Becoming Teachers for Social Change”
- Cultural Relevancy in the Classroom: An Innovative Approach to Structuring Honors Programs”
- “International Field Research as a Low-Income Woman of Color: Studying Bees in Greece”
- “Native American Identity and Academic Success”
The program also will include a keynote address by Víctor B. Sáenz, chair of the Educational Leadership and Policy Department at the University of Texas, Austin, and a fellow in the A.M. Aikin Regents Chair in Junior and Community College Education Leadership. Sáenz is a leading researcher on advancing success strategies for male students of color and founder of the award-winning initiative Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success).
Details on the conference programs may be found on the University Honors Program website. Those interested in attending may register at this website.