Cal State Fullerton engineering and computer science faculty members and students will present research on such topics as artificial intelligence, biomedical device engineering, the internet of things and renewable energy technologies Thursday, Dec. 5, at the inaugural “ECS Research Day.”
Undergraduate and graduate students, along with their faculty research mentors, will present their research posters from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the college’s quad area. The poster presentations are open to the public and campus members.
“The goal of the ECS Research Day is to promote and foster research collaboration among the college’s faculty members and to increase student participation in research,” said Sagil James, assistant professor of mechanical engineering.
Faculty research presentations, not open to the public, also will take place, followed by remarks from Binod Tiwari, associate vice president for research and sponsored projects and professor of civil and environmental engineering.
The event is co-sponsored by the college’s Center for Collaborative Research and Prototype Development, which aims to foster, and assist with, collaborative research among the engineering and computer science faculty.
The center partners with local industries and facilitates faculty-guided research projects on campus, while creating a mutually beneficial platform between the college and local industries, said James, who co-directs the center with John Faller, associate professor of computer engineering. The center also works closely with the ECS Corporate Partnersprogram, which collaborates with industry on multi-disciplinary research projects and job and internship recruitment. Additionally, the center located in Room 43, next to the college’s machine shop, provides evaluation support for research proposals and grants.
For more information, contact James at sagiljames@fullerton.edu.