Talich Quartet, an internationally renowned Czech string ensemble, is returning to Cal State Fullerton this February for a weeklong residency in the School of Music. Additionally, the group will give two public performances in Meng Concert Hall.
The quartet, which began its residency at CSUF in 2009, offers master classes and coaching to music students. Training alongside distinguished musicians is a boon for students, says Ernest Salem, professor of music.
“This is a world-class ensemble that has performed all over the globe,” said Salem. “For our students to be able to have coaching with the group and actually perform great string literature with them is an invaluable experience. The students really look forward to the annual residency.”
Talich Quartet will give a solo concert Friday, Feb. 14, from 8-10 p.m. as well as a concert with the University Symphony Orchestra Sunday, Feb. 16, from 3-5 p.m. Tickets are available online or at the Clayes Performing Arts Center Box Office, 657-278-3371.