Numerous Cal State Fullerton faculty and staff received accolades during the time period November 2019 through February 2020, including seven who received the university’s emeriti status.
Brenda Bowser, professor of anthropology, was appointed editor of the international journal Ethnoarchaeology: Journal of Archaeological, Ethnographic and Experimental Studies.
Sharon Chappell, associate professor of elementary and bilingual education, was recognized by the International Association of Women as a 2020-21 influencer. She is an acknowledged leader in education and health and wellness.
Candice Harrington, lecturer in mathematics, was named a 2019-20 recipient of the Milken Educator Award for her work at Capistrano Valley High School. Harrington received her single subject teaching credential in mathematics from CSUF in 2010 and serves as a math instructor for CSUF’s Project MISS (Mathematics Intensive Summer Session).
John Jackson, lecturer in management, has been nominated for the 19th annual Excellence in Entrepreneurship Awards by the Orange County Business Journal. Winners will be announced March 19.
Samuel Morales, assistant director of fraternity and sorority life, was recognized as the Outstanding New Professional for the 2020 Mena/Valdez Awards by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Latinx Knowledge Community. Morales previously served as the coordinator of Diversity Initiative and Resource Centers.
Beth Nishida ’89 (M.A. communicative disorders) was recognized as a fellow of the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association for her contributions to the organization, including many years of service as a board member.
Alyssa Samek, assistant professor of human communication studies, received the Top Article Award from the American studies division of the National Communication Association for her piece, “Jeopardized Bodies: Representations of Race, Gender and Morality in the Notorious R.B.G.”
Jule Selbo, professor of cinema and television arts, was named a semifinalist for her book “Find Me in Florence” at the 2019 Chatelaine Book Awards for romantic fiction and women’s fiction.
Bey-Ling Sha, dean of the College of Communications, was awarded the D. Parke Gibson Pioneer Award by the Public Relations Society of America for increasing awareness about public relations in multicultural communities.
Binod Tiwari, associate vice president for research and sponsored projects and professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been elected to “Fellow” status by the American Society of Civil Engineers, in which just 3% of members hold this honor.
Zoot Velasco, director of the Gianneschi Center for Nonprofit Research, and his wife were honored with the Couple of the Year award by the Orange County chapter of the YWCA.
President Fram Virjee recognized the following individuals with the conferral of emeriti status:
- Peggi Barlow, financial aid direct loan counselor emeritus, for 33 years of campus service
- Kathleen Davis, administrative support coordinator emeritus, recognizing 13 years of service to CSUF
- Debbie Garcia, custodian emeritus, for 24 years of service to Cal State Fullerton
- Jean Hall, professor of English emeritus, for 32 years of university service
- Pamela McLaren ’79 (B.A. communications-journalism), public affairs/communication specialist emeritus, for 30 years of service to the campus
- Mindy Mechanic, professor of psychology emeritus, for 17 years of teaching psychology on campus
- Karen Ringl, lecturer of nursing emeritus, for 17 years of service to Cal State Fullerton