Research on gender disparities in opioid addiction treatment, gelada monkeys and stem cells — and such programs as Titans After School Education and Safety: Buena Park and Project upGRADS — have garnered more than $5.65 million in grants and contracts from October 2019 through February 2020. Funding recipients are:
Michael Daniel, regional director of the Small Business Development Center: $1,818,146 award from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GOBIZ) for “GOBIZ TAEP 1920.”
Related: Small Business Development Network to Expand Services in Three Counties
Nilay Patel, associate professor of biological science: $609,000 in third-year funding from the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine for the project “Bridges to Stem Cell Research.”
Related: CSUF Awarded $3 Million Grant to Train Stem Cell Scientists
Katherine Powers, director of the School of Music: $598,675 from the U.S. Department of Education for “Project upGRADS: Utilizing and Promoting Graduate Resources and Access for Disadvantaged Students.”
Related: Boosting the Dreams of Graduate Students
Math P. Cuajungco, professor of biological science: $394,854 from the National Institutes of Health for the project “Dissecting the Role of THEM163 Protein in Cells.”
Related: Neuroscientist Wins Biotech Award for Research on Brain-Related Diseases
Lilivao Tautolo, director of the Student Support Services Program: $336,234 in fifth-year funding from the U.S. Department of Education for the Student Support Services Program, which provides services to assist first-generation, low-income or disabled students in successfully completing their undergraduate studies and graduating.
HyeKyeung Seung, chair and professor of communication sciences and disorders: $333,000 in one-time funding from the California State University Chancellor’s Office to increase enrollment in speech and language pathology graduate programs.
Lydia Palacios, director of the Children’s Center: $288,624 from the U.S. Department of Education for the “CSU Fullerton Student-Parent Child Care Support Program.”
Janice Myck-Wayne, professor of special education: $250,000 in first-year funding of a five-year U.S. Department of Education award for “Project Activity-Based Communication (ABC).”
Related: $1.25 Million Grant to Prepare Future Teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists Project to Meet Needs of Young Children with Communication Disorders
Laura Gil-Trejo, director of the Social Science Research Center: $218,813 in total received during the period:
- $70,000 from the City of Stanton for “Evaluation Services to Support AB 97 Activities”
- $45,568 Evalcorp award for the “Santa Clara County Seniors Survey”
- $38,594 award from the University of California, Davis, for “Effects of a Precarious Future on Youth Health and Well-being”
- $24,301 from Opportunity Fund Community Development for the “2019 Entrepreneur Tracker Client Outcomes Survey” project
- $16,201 from Accion for the “2019 Entrepreneur Tracker Client Outcomes Survey”
- $14,036 Children’s Home Society of California award for “Evaluation of the Early Childhood Mental Health and Wellness Program (Cohort 2 & 3)”
- $10,113 Riverside City College contract for “STEM-EnFamilia”
Dawn Macy, director of the Center for Internships and Community Engagement: $159,848 in total received during the period:
- $94,688 from Jumpstart for Young Children Inc. for the campus Jumpstart project. Related: Titans Give Children a ‘Jumpstart‘
- $65,160 in supplemental funding from the Buena Park School District for the “Titans After School Education and Safety: Buena Park” program
María Soledad Ramírez, associate professor of biological science: $95,850 in third-year funding from the National Institutes of Health for the project “Identifying Host Human Products Responsible for Natural Transformation of Resistance Traits in Acinetobacter baumannii.”
Yinfei Kong, assistant professor of information systems and decision sciences: $87,283 in first-year funding of a four-year National Institutes of Health award for “Gender Disparities in Access and Engagement in Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder,” in collaboration with the University of Chicago.
Related: Titan Data Scientist to Study Gender Differences in Opioid Treatment
Lori Palmerton, director of disability support services: $86,400 in first-year funding of a three-year award from the State of California Department of Rehabilitation for the “WorkAbility IV Program.”
Anne Kelly, director of research and education for desert studies: $81,665 National Science Foundation award for “Safety in Ocean and Field Sciences: Developing Best Practices for Harassment Prevention and Response.”
Danielle Zacherl, professor of biological science: $79,226 from the Orange County Coast Keepers for “Upper Newport Bay Living Shorelines Project Renewal.”
Kenneth “John” Faller, associate professor of computer engineering: $33,550 University of West Florida award for continuation of “Validation of Numerically Controlled Manufacturing Processes.”
Sheryl Fontaine, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics: $33,500 from the University of California Office of the President for “California Global Education Project at CSU Fullerton.”
Dorothy Woolum, professor emeritus of physics: $30,500 in third-year funding from the California Institute of Technology for the “Genesis Samples” project.
Sergio Guerra, director of the Center for Academic Support in Engineering and Computer Science: $23,000 from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program.
Related: Civil Engineering Students Awarded Eisenhower Fellowships
Natalie Navar, archivist, Lawrence de Graaf Center for Oral and Public History: $15,000 and $8,000 from the California State University Dominguez Hills Foundation for the “CSU Japanese American Digitization Project.”
Related: Hansen Lecture to Focus on Digitizing Japanese American History
David Pagni, professor of mathematics: $20,635 from the University of California Office of the President for the “California Mathematics Project.”
Peter Fashing, professor of anthropology: $20,000 Zoological Society of San Diego award for the “Gussa Gelada Research Project.”
Kwangping “Patricia” Cheng, professor of physics: $14,903 award from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for the “Participation in the Observational Constraints and Test for Dynamos in Solar Like Stars Program.”
Sam Behseta, professor of mathematics: $7,877 from Spectrum Pharmaceuticals for “Analysis of Leukoplakia Data From Spectrum Pharmaceutical.”
Binod Tiwari, associate vice president for research and sponsored projects and professor of civil and environmental engineering: $6,115 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute award for the “Collaborative Research: Scaling Up the Use of Mixed Reality in Civil Engineering Education” project.
Jason Shepard, chair and professor of communications: $2,000 award from Middle Tennessee State University for the “1 for All” project.
Gamini Gunawardane, professor emeritus of management: $1,000 one-time award by the California State University Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association for “Effect of Student-Teacher Co-Creation Process on Student Satisfaction in Undergraduate Business Programs.”