For the latest updates on commencement, continue to visit the Cal State Fullerton commencement website at fullerton.edu/commencement.
In just a few weeks, members of the Cal State Fullerton Class of 2020 would have been walking across the stage to accept their diplomas. And then the COVID-19 pandemic struck.
While the university continues to explore options for students to return to campus and take that meaningful walk across the commencement stage, a virtual celebration is also being planned to honor graduates in June.
“We felt terrible that the Class of 2020 was unable to get the ceremony they deserved, so we wanted to do something special, and we came up with the virtual commencement celebration,” said Greg Saks, vice president for university advancement. “This is not to take the place of a physical commencement, which we still hope will happen, but to offer something during the traditional commencement season.”
So what, exactly, IS a virtual commencement celebration?
The Virtual Commencement Celebration is an online place to gather and celebrate Cal State Fullerton’s graduating class of 2020. It will include social media activities and a Class of 2020 virtual yearbook — a compilation of personalized, interactive slides where graduates will be able to customize their own slide with a photo and a favorite quote. When people click on it, they will be able to view the photo and quote … and the graduate’s name will be read. For more information, visit the CSUF Commencement site.
“We were looking at different options for our graduates,” Saks continued. “One option was to hold a physical commencement ceremony later in the year. Another option was to offer some type of virtual program this spring so our grads could celebrate with their families. Right now, we’re planning to provide the virtual celebration in spring as we continue to develop options for a physical commencement ceremony at a later date.”