Cal State Fullerton faculty have been prolific contributors to a wide array of scholarly publications, adding to the collective knowledge base in areas from exercise science and autism to television studies. All works were submitted for this list in March and April 2020.
Manal Alatrash, assistant professor of nursing, penned a chapter on “Cultural Barriers to Breast Cancer Screening in Arab Women” for the Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World.
Gordon Capp, assistant professor of social work, co-authored “Does High School Mobility Negatively Influence Perceptions of School Climate?” in Social Work Research.
Nathalie Carrick, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “What Storytelling Tells Us About Fantasy: Parent-Child Stories About Emotionally-Charged Real and Fantastic Events” in Early Child Development and Care.
Rahul Chakraborty, associate professor of communication sciences and disorders, was the lead author of “Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perceptions of Nonnative Accent: A Pilot Study,” published in Perspectives in Global Issues in Communications Sciences and Related Disorders.
Jared Coburn, professor of kinesiology, and Lee Brown, professor emeritus of kinesiology, co-authored “Caffeine Increases Rate of Torque Development Without Affecting Maximal Torque” in the Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise.
Pablo Costa, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Effects of Score-Line on Internal and External Load in Soccer Small-Sided Games” in the International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sports, as well as “Effects of Different Types of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching on Dynamic Balance Control” in Sport Sciences for Health.
Coburn, Costa, and Andrew Galpin, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored the paper “Sex and Fiber Type Independently Influence AMPK, TBC1D1 and TBC1D4 at Rest and During Recovery From High-Intensity Exercise in Humans” in the Journal of Applied Physiology.
Galpin and Robert Lockie, assistant professor of kinesiology, co-authored “In-Season Hip Thrust vs. Back Squat Training in Female High School Soccer Players” in the International Journal of Exercise Science.
Lockie co-authored two manuscripts in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: “Recruit Fitness Standards From a Large Law Enforcement Agency: Between-Class Comparisons, Percentile Rankings and Implications for Physical Training” and “2.4-km Run and 20-m Multistage Fitness Test Relationships in Law Enforcement Recruits After Academy Training.” He also co-authored “Relationships Between Playing Time and Selected NBA Combine Test Performance in Division I Mid-Major Basketball Players” and “Heart Rate Responses During Simulated Fire Ground Scenarios Among Full-Time Firefighters” in the International Journal of Exercise Science.
Rachel Fenning, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Access to Dental Visits and Correlates of Preventive Dental Care in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder” in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders and “Physical Activity Rates in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder Compared to the General Population” in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Fenning, along with Jason Baker, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, also co-authored “Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia, Parenting and Externalizing Behavior in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder” in Autism.
Hannah Fraley, assistant professor of nursing, co-authored “Systematic Review of Human Trafficking Educational Interventions for Health Care Providers” in the Western Journal of Nursing Research.
Jacqueline Frost, professor of cinema and television arts, published a second edition of her textbook “Cinematography for Directors: A Guide for Creative Collaboration.”
Phillip Gedalanga, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “Monitoring, Assessment and Prediction of Microbial Shifts in Coupled Catalysis and Biodegradation of 1,4-dioxane and Co-contaminants” in Water Research.
Hunter Hargraves, associate professor of cinema and television arts, contributed the essay “‘Looking’: Smartphone Aesthetics,” to the second edition of “How to Watch Television,” which is widely used in introductory television studies courses nationwide. The essay examines how a number of television series began to adopt new aesthetic practices, producing something akin to the “Instagram effect” for television.
Veronica Jimenez, associate professor of biological science, published “A Novel Calcium-Activated Potassium Channel Controls Membrane Potential and Intracellular pH in Trypanosoma Cruzi” in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. Her research focuses on understanding how parasites responsible for human diseases deal with changes in their environment to survive and continue infecting new hosts.
Deanna Jung and Kristina Fortes, assistant professors of nursing; Christine Latham, professor emeritus of nursing; and Michelle Schwartz, nursing pre-licensure adviser, co-authored “Using Holistic Admissions in Pre-Licensure Programs to Diversify the Nursing Workforce” in the Journal of Professional Nursing.
Fortes also authored “Improving Recognition of Frailty Syndrome and Clinical Self-Efficacy in Nurse Practitioner Students (QI649)” in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
Maria Koleilat, associate professor of public health, co-authored “Perceived Motivators, Barriers and Intervention Strategies Related to Weight Loss After Childbirth Among WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Participants in Southern California” in the American Journal of Health Promotion.
Archana McEligot, professor of public health; Sinjini Mitra, associate professor of information systems and decision sciences; and William Beam, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “The Association Between Fitness and Obesity in Diverse Multi-Ethnic College Students” in the Journal of American College Health.
Melissa Montgomery, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Comparison of Lower Extremity Lean Mass Between Multi-Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry in Athletic College-Aged Men and Women” in Athletic Training and Sports Health Care.
Derek Pamukoff, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Body Mass Index Moderates the Association Between Gait Kinetics, Body Composition and Femoral Knee Cartilage Characteristics” in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
Montgomery and Pamukoff also co-authored “Quadriceps Muscle Size, Quality, and Strength and Self-Reported Function in Individuals With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction” in the Journal of Athletic Training.
Jennifer Piazza, associate professor of public health, co-authored a book chapter on the “Use of Saliva to Better Understand the Daily Experience of Adulthood and Aging,” in “Salivary Bioscience: Foundations of Interdisciplinary Saliva Research and Applications.”
Daniela Rubin, professor of kinesiology, authored a book chapter on “Endocrine Responses to Acute and Chronic Exercise in the Developing Child” in “Endocrinology of Physical Activity and Sport.”
Pimbucha Rusmevichientong, assistant professor of public health; Jessica Jaynes, assistant professor of mathematics; and Sanam Kazemi, lecturer in public health, co-authored “Which Snack Factors and Nutritional Ingredients Influence College Students’ Snack Choices? Evidence From Discrete Choice Experiments” in the Journal of American College Health.
Mojgan Sami, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “Placement of Outdoor Exercise Equipment and Physical Activity: A Quasi-Experimental Study in Two Parks in Southern California” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Jule Selbo, professor of cinema and television arts, published “Breaking Barriers: A Novel Based on the Life of Laura Bassi,” a fictional take on the life of the 18th century Italian scientist who was the first woman to become a physics professor at a European university.
Nicole Seymour, associate professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics, authored “Public Thinker: Jenny Price on Refusing to Save the Planet,” in the online magazine Public Books.
Rebecca Sheehan, associate professor of cinema and television arts, penned the book “American Avant-Garde Cinema’s Philosophy of the In-Between,” which explores whether films can themselves philosophize rather than represent philosophical ideas developed outside of cinema.
Jeremy Shermak, assistant professor of communications, published “The Enemy of My Enemy is My Tweet: How #NotTheEnemy Twitter Discourse Defended the Journalistic Paradigm” in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, the flagship journal of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Contact: Karen Lindell, klindell@fullerton.edu