President Fram Virjee recognized the following individuals with the conferral of emeriti status in honor of their combined 183 years of service to the campus.
Susan Gaitan, academic technology consultant emeritus, for 15 years of service to CSUF
Dawn Person Hampton, professor emeritus of educational leadership, recognizing 12 years of campus service
Do Le (Paul) Minh, professor emeritus of information systems and decision sciences, honoring 36 years of service to the university
Mitchell Okada, lecturer emeritus in psychology, in appreciation of 36 years of service
Nawang Phuntsog, professor emeritus of elementary and bilingual education, recognizing 25 years of campus service
Dana Reemes, lecturer emeritus in history, honoring 11 years of service to CSUF
Shahin G. Shahi, professor emeritus of electrical engineering, for 35 years of service to the university
Lorraine Thornburg, lecturer emeritus in human services, in recognition of 13 years of campus service
Contact: Karen Lindell, klindell@fullerton.edu