Cal State Fullerton faculty members received honors in recognition of their scholarly endeavors, shared their research and knowledge in presentations, and published research in a range of publications.
Awards and Honors
The Department of Social Work’s service-learning program with Universidad Tecnológica de Chile (INACAP) was recognized with the 2020 Council on Social Work Education’s Partners in Advancing Education for International Social Work Award. The program is led by Mikyong Kim-Goh, chair and professor of social work, and Michelle Martin, assistant professor of social work.
Kristin Rowe, assistant professor of American studies, received the inaugural Women and Language Article Award for her piece on “Beyond ‘Good Hair’: Negotiating Hair Politics Through African American Language.”
Binod Tiwari, professor of civil and environmental engineering and associate vice president for research and sponsored projects, received two accolades for his research: the Collingwood Prize and the Thomas L. Middlebrooks Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Tiwari co-authored the research paper, “Characterization of the Reduction in Undrained Shear Strength in Fine-Grained Soils Due to Cyclic Loading,” published in the ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.
Jesús Ayala, lecturer in communications, moderated a virtual panel on journalism and mental health amid the pandemic, sponsored by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma.
Fernando Del Rosario, lecturer in art, discussed his Creative Aid project on CreativeMornings, a global breakfast lecture series designed to connect and inspire artists, designers, writers and more.
Miya Williams Fayne, assistant professor of communications, was interviewed by the National Press Club’s Journalism Institute on how university journalism programs can help improve racial diversity in newsrooms.
Bey-Ling Sha, dean of the College of Communications, participated in: “Anti-Racism Messaging for Colleges” panel from the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (host);
“Creating Change in the Public Relations Classroom: Diversifying PR Faculty” panel for the Institute for Public Relations and the Public Relations Society of America, Educators Academy; and “Diversity and the Future of Work” panel for Arthur W. Page Society Hot Topics Conversation.
Wylie Ahmed, assistant professor of physics, co-authored “Quantifying the Non-Equilibrium Activity of an Active Colloid” about swimming at the microscopic scale, published in Soft Matter. Ahmed also is a co-author of “Active Diffusion in Oocytes Nonspecifically Centers Large Objects During Prophase and Meiosis” about the mechanism for cells to transport objects to their center, which is important for cell development, published in the Journal of Cell Biology.
Marlin Blaine, professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics, published “Sallustian Views of Nature and Ethics in ‘Paradise Lost,’ Book 8” in Notes and Queries.
Siobhan Brooks, chair and associate professor of African American studies, penned an article on “Housing Challenges and Black Faculty” for Inside Higher Ed.
Pablo Costa, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored: “Effects of Training With an Agility Ladder on Sprint, Agility and Dribbling Performance in Youth Soccer Players” in the Journal of Human Kinetics; and “Changes in Strength, Mobility and Body Composition Following Self-Selected Exercise in Older Adults” in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.
Guadalupe Espinoza, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Long-Term Parent-Child Separation Through Serial Migration: Effects of a Post-Reunion Intervention” in the School Community Journal.
Rachel Fenning, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Vision Care Among School-Aged Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in North America: Findings From the Autism Treatment Network Registry Call-back Study” in Autism.
Hunter Hargraves, associate professor of cinema and television arts, organized a five-part ACA-Media podcast “Talking Television in a Pandemic” that engaged leading scholars of television studies in conversations about our relationship to television during COVID-19 and the outcry against systemic racism.
Tricia Kasamatsu, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Aspects of Technology That Influence Athletic Trainers’ Current Patient Care Documentation Strategies in the Secondary School” in the Journal of Athletic Training.
Erica Lizano, assistant professor of social work, co-authored “Factors Associated With Caseworker Burnout in Child Welfare: Does Tenure Matter?” in the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
Robert Lockie, assistant professor of kinesiology, co-authored: “A Comparison of Muscle Activity Between the Cambered and Standard Bar During the Bench Press Exercise” in the Frontiers in Physiology; “Assessing Repeated Sprint Ability in Division I Collegiate Women Soccer Players” in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research; and “Motor Skill, Movement Competency and Physical Fitness Assessments for Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Cadets” in Strength and Conditioning Journal.
Scott Lynn, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Clustering Golfers Through Force Plate Analysis” in Proceedings: The 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association.
Micheal McAlexander, professor of communications, debuted his feature film, “A Lesson of Love,” on Amazon Prime.
Chelsea Reynolds, assistant professor of communications, showed how news treatment against Craigslist resulted in the promotion of epistemic violence against sex workers, in her study “‘Craigslist is Nothing More Than an Internet Brothel’: Sex Work and Sex Trafficking in U.S. Newspaper Coverage of Craigslist Sex Forums,” published in The Journal of Sex Research.
Darren R. Sandquist, professor of biological science and director of the California State University’s California Desert Studies Consortium, is a co-author of “Multidecadal Records of Intrinsic Water-Use Efficiency in the Desert Shrub Encelia Farinosa Reveal Strong Responses to Climate Change,” published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The research reveals how the desert brittlebush is adapting, and showing a remarkable ability to respond to increased temperature and aridity.
Jason Shepard, chair and professor of communications, authored “The First Amendment and the Roots of LGBT Law: Censorship in the Early Homophile Era, 1958-1962” in the Journal of Race, Gender and Social Justice.
Jeremy Shermak, assistant professor of communications, co-authored “‘I Love Weather More Than Anybody’: A Digital Ethnography of The Weather Channel’s Fan Community” in E-Learning and Digital Media.
Joshua Yang, associate professor of public health, co-authored “Exploring Associations Between Susceptibility to the Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and E-Cigarette Use Among School-Going Adolescents in Rural Appalachia” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
To submit a publication, presentation, award or honor, send your proposal to newssubmissions@fullerton.edu.