Research on improving mental health treatment for students, immigrant musical theater in America and removing arsenic from groundwater are just a few of the many projects that Cal State Fullerton faculty will work on during their sabbaticals and leaves in the 2020-21 academic year.
Fall 2020
Anthony S. Alvarez, associate professor of sociology, will explore the role of financial institutions in economic inequality in “On the Frontlines of Finance.”
Siobhan Brooks, associate professor of African American studies, will complete the book, “Everyday Violence: LGBT Black and Latinx Hate Crimes and Community Impact in the United States,” and develop courses on Black Latinx identity and critical race theory.
Joseph A. Carlin, associate professor of geological sciences, seeks to improve understanding of coastal geological processes in “California Coastal Geology — Research and Teaching to Highlight the Diverse Processes That Have Shaped Our State’s Coast.”
David D. Chen, professor of kinesiology, will complete and submit for publication the workbook “Mindfulness Meditations for Daily Life: A Workbook for College Instructors and Students.”
Kwangping “Patricia” Cheng, professor of physics, will continue her research project with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and National Science Foundation and convert the “Introduction to Astronomy” course into an online or hybrid offering.
Lana L. Dalley, professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics, will work on “Economics in 19th-century Literature: An Anthology of Primary Source Material.”
Peter S. Evanow, lecturer in communications, seeks to engage students to develop more arboretum programs in “Making the Fullerton Arboretum a Force in Orange County.”
Jorge Fontdevila, professor of sociology, aims to produce an edited book, “Interpretive Sociology and the Semiotic Imagination,” to bridge interdisciplinary gaps among scholars of interpretive sociology and semiotics.
Gary Germo, associate professor of human services, will conduct research to illuminate strategies to enhance foster youths’ well-being in “Promoting Positive Adjustment of Youth in Foster Care.”
Jennifer Goldstein, professor of educational leadership, will bring a new avenue of scholarship in “Reimagining Leadership Preparation as School District Technical Assistance.”
Leigh Hargreaves, associate professor of physics, will use the “Electron Spectroscopy of Platform Molecules of Biomass” project to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness in cellulosic ethanol production, which is used as fuel in the transport industry.
Andrew Howat, associate professor of philosophy, will explore American philosophy’s increasing skepticism of truth and objectivity in “Rehabilitating Reality: Pragmatism for the Post-truth Era.”
Dean C. Kazoleas, professor of communications, will complete the co-authored textbook “Understanding Communications Research: A Different Approach to Teaching Undergraduate Quantitative Research Methods.”
John Koegel, professor of music, will document and establish common trends in immigrant musical performances and interpret the importance of musical theater for immigrant audiences in “Immigrant Musical Theater in America, 1840-1940.”
Andrea Patterson, associate professor of liberal studies, will work on “Empowering Women Through Science, Health and Education in the MENA Region,” which is focused on the Middle East/North Africa region where HIV/AIDS incidents are increasing, particularly among women.
Carter C. Rakovski, professor of sociology, will examine the occupations of lead characters in romantic films by gender, race and ethnicity, and compare them with actual data and across new and old media in the project “Working the Romance: Portrayals of Work by Gender, Race and Ethnicity of Lead Characters in Romantic Films.”
Maria Ramirez, associate professor of biological science, will continue research to understand the complex interaction between A. baumannii and the host, and the role of the metabolism in this interaction in “Human Fluids Boost Metabolism in Acinetobacter baumannii for Survival and Persistence in Hostile Environment.”
Nicole Seymour, associate professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics, will complete the first book-length investigation of glitter — a substance that has become part of political debates around environmental pollution and LGBTQ activism — in “Glitter: A Cultural Case Study.”
Jason Teven, professor of human communication studies, aims to complete the undergraduate, first-edition textbook “Understanding Communication Research: An Applied Approach to Teaching Quantitative Research Methods.”
Stella Ting-Toomey, professor of human communication studies, will complete a book revision in “Fall 2020 Contemporary Trends in Intercultural Communication Competence Research.”
Marcelo Tolmasky, professor of biological science, seeks to identify inhibitors of antibiotic resistance that can be used in combination with existing antibiotics in “Novel Solutions to Antibiotic Resistance, a Global Public Health Threat.”
Robert Voeks, professor of geography and the environment, intends to write and submit for publication four collaborative manuscripts related to ethnobotanical data in “Ethnobotanical Research and Publication.”
Eileen Walsh, professor of sociology, will evaluate the success of the Transfer Student Learning Community cohort of 30 sociology majors in “Evaluation of the Transfer Student Learning Community Cohort.”
Fall 2020-Spring 2021
Rebecca Campbell, associate professor of art, seeks to complete a body of new large-scale artwork investigating paradox and the rise of authoritarian rhetoric, and enlarge another new body of work confronting art world gender inequity in “Dear Becky and You Are Here.”
Aitana Guia, associate professor of history, will show that urban design from below, though chaotic and messy at times, can produce amazing public and free spaces in “Healthy Cities, Thriving Humans: Car Culture, Environmental Social Movements and the Greening of the Turia River in Valencia, Spain (1957-2019).”
Tu-Uyen Ngoc Nguyen, associate professor of Asian American studies, will complete data analyses and submit two articles for publication on the health and educational needs and assets of low-income Asian Pacific Islander students in the “Strengthening Student Health and Educational Success Through Campus-community Partnerships” project.
Misty Paig-Tran, associate professor of biological science, will work to perform flow visualization tests on 3D printed models of filter feeding fishes, validate manta models and obtain shark jaw specimens in “Bio-Inspiration and Bio-Modeling: Imaging and Modeling Elasmobranch Feeding Structures.”
Elaine Rutkowski, professor of nursing, will measure the physical and mental health outcomes of the We Run Orange County’s Kids program in “Evaluation of an After-school Running Program for Middle School Students.”
Spring 2021
Vahideh Abedi, associate professor of information systems and decision sciences, will pursue mastery of Bayesian estimation methods and their use in research and teaching in “Bayesian Estimation Methodology as a Tool in Predicting Adoption Pattern of New Product or Service Introductions.”
Gabriela Best, associate professor of economics, aims to compare and contrast two episodes of significant economic turmoil in U.S. history — the Great Inflation (mid 1960s-1980s) and the Great Recession (2007-08) — in “The Role of Monetary Policy on the Great Inflation and the Great Recession.”
John Bock, professor of anthropology, will work to develop and implement a regional conference and consortium of colleges and universities in southern California with programs in agroecology and sustainable urban food systems in “Developing a Southern California Agroecology and Sustainable Urban Food Systems Conference and Consortium.”
Katherine Bono, chair and professor of child and adolescent studies, will assess and adapt an intervention program for vulnerable families called The Resilient Families Program in “CSUF Resilient Families Program: Effectiveness Research and Program Expansion.”
Cristina Carroll-Pavia, staff and licensed psychologist at counseling and psychological services, will develop a treatment program to enhance services and improve mental health outcomes in “Development of a Mental Health Massage Program to Enhance Mental Health Treatment Services and Outcomes for Students.”
Russell Espinoza, professor of psychology, will conduct an empirical study examining immigrant victims and defendants in “A Mock Juror Examination of Immigrant Victims and Defendants in the U.S. Criminal Court System.”
Ester Gonzalez, associate professor of information systems and decision sciences, will explore the impacts of information systems usage on the individual in “The Use of Social Media and Its Impact on First-generation College Students.”
Neil Granitz, chair and professor of marketing, will explore what motivates consumers to continue or abandon transmedia storytelling in “Transmedia Universe: Motivators and Inhibitors for Consumers Moving Across Media.”
Wei Jiang, professor of accounting, will examine mandatory disclosure of corporate social responsibility performance and financial reporting quality for firms in China, and develop a model for detecting fraudulent financial reporting in “Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting, Financial Reporting Quality and the Detection of Financial Fraud.”
Chiranjeev Kohli, professor of marketing, aims to understand branding for artificial intelligence assistants and what managers can do to address this paradigm shift in “‘Alexa, Buy Me an SLR Camera.’ Branding and Marketing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.”
Elisa Mandell, professor of art, will explore how Jews played key roles in the fluorescence of the Dutch colony in Brazil in “Geographies of Absence: Mapping the Contributions of the Jewish Community in the Formation of Cityscape in 17th-century Dutch Brazil.”
Nobuhito Nishigawara, professor of art, will look at the relationship between Japanese and American cultures by developing a new body of work that explores the processes of standard ceramic production and artistic experimentation in “From Mingei Craft to America Production: Combining the Handmade and the Industrial.”
Robert Robinson, associate professor of political science, seeks to create casebooks and provide them free of charge to students in “Creating Zero-cost Textbooks in Constitutional Law and Civil Liberties.”
Eriko Self, professor of psychology, will pursue work on fall risks and mitigation among older adults and redesign a course for online in “Restoring Normal Faculty Research and Teaching Capacities.”
Deepak Sharma, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, will develop a robot to operate earthmoving equipment in “Boosting Construction Management and Artificial Intelligence Focusing Areas.”
Devon Thacker Thomas, associate professor of sociology, will complete and submit manuscripts on female perpetrators of intimate partner violence and the experiences of law enforcement in identifying victims of intimate partner violence in LGBTQ relationships, as well as redesign two sociology courses with study abroad options in “Expanding the Reach: Development of Academic Mediums for Sociological Examination of Crime Victimization.”
André Zampaulo, professor of modern languages and literatures, will complete his book, “A History of the Portuguese Language.”
Spring 2021-Fall 2021
Christian Hill, associate professor of art, will create and distribute pedagogical digital tools in “Outreach and Guidance of Future Illustrators.”
Sudarshan Kurwadkar, professor of civil and environmental engineering, seeks to develop a novel remediation technology for the removal of arsenic from groundwater in “In-situ Remediation of Groundwater Contaminants Using Super Activated Carbon Nanoparticles and Powdered Activated Carbon Amended Permeable Reactive Barriers.”
Fall 2020-Spring 2021
Ken Guo, associate professor of accounting, will examine whether the quality of the text in financial reports has any impact on how they are used by external users in “The Impact of Accounting Textual Quality on External Use.”
Rommel Salvador, associate professor of management, intends to examine ethics from a “big picture” perspective in “Business Ethics From Two Meta Perspectives.”
Spring 2021
David K. Chenot, professor of social work, will explore the perceptions of child welfare social workers on how trauma-informed their organizations and interventions are, as well as the culturally appropriate nature of their practice in “Trauma-informed, Culturally Appropriate Practice in Child Welfare Organizations.”
Contact: Karen Lindell, klindell@fullerton.edu