Eight faculty and staff members were honored with emeriti status during the period July 1-Sept. 30.
Michael J. Davis, professor emeritus of communication sciences and disorders, in recognition of 34 years of service to the university (posthumously)
Tammy Drezner, lecturer emeritus of information systems and decision sciences, honoring 21 years of service to CSUF
William Lett, lecturer emeritus of theatre and dance, in recognition of 21 years of service to Cal State Fullerton
Lea Beth Lewis, assistant director emeritus of University Learning Center, in appreciation of 19 years of service to CSUF
Ruth Mielke, professor emeritus of nursing, recognizing 10 years of service to the university
Shelly Montoya, accounts payable and purchasing specialist emeritus, honoring 15 years of service to the university
Ron Oliver, professor emeritus of educational leadership, in appreciation of 32 years of service to CSUF
Barbara Scarpa, lead project manager/business analyst emeritus, in recognition of 24 years of service to the university
Contact: Karen Lindell, klindell@fullerton.edu