Today is Election Day, and as people await the final results, which may not be known by this evening, Cal State Fullerton is offering numerous resources to faculty, staff and students seeking assistance.
More people are expected on campus as voters visit the Vote Centers. On the main campus, the Vote Center is located in the Titan Student Union Portola Pavilion. At the Irvine Center, voters will be directed to the multipurpose room. Both Vote Centers will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information about services at CSUF, visit the following:
- Titans Turn Out: General Election 2020
- Letter to Students from Vice President for Student Affairs
- Letter to Faculty from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Letter to Staff from the Vice President for HRDI
In addition, the Civic Engagement Working Group (CEWG) would like to share important information regarding post-election programming and support opportunities that will be available to Titan students, faculty and staff. A few are highlighted here that may be shared with students.
The CEWG and the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Programs (DIEP) are planning a series of critical conversations related to the election results in collaboration with faculty members in political science and staff from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Under the banners of #TitansTurnOut and Critical Conversations, there will be three virtual events for the CSUF campus community with the following objectives:
- Friday, Nov. 6, from 3:30 to 5 p.m., a panel of CSUF faculty members, with support from CAPS, will provide historical context and interpretation of the election, while also addressing any lingering questions from the election.
- Monday, Nov. 9, at 10 a.m., DIEP will host a Critical Conversations session for the campus community and those processing the results of the election. To register, use this Zoom link.
- During the week of Nov. 16, DIEP, CAPS and faculty members will provide skills for having difficult conversations with family, particularly around politics, just before the Thanksgiving holiday.
- More information about these events is available here.
The Diversity Initiatives and Resource Centers (DIRC) will facilitate a debriefing and decompression session for students the day after Election Day. This virtual event will occur on Wednesday, Nov. 4, from 1-2 p.m., followed by community decompression activities from 2-3 p.m.
CAPS is continuing to provide support to students and faculty and staff members after the election in a variety of ways.