More than a dozen Cal State Fullerton faculty members are among the top 2% well-cited scientists, according to a study conducted by Stanford University.
Three CSUF psychology faculty and former faculty members — Professor Nancy L. Segal and emeriti professors Richard A. Lippa and Michael H. Birnbaum — made the list, along with faculty members in information systems and decision sciences, human communications, chemistry, biological science, kinesiology and finance.
Focusing on several indicators, the study analyzed data from 1996 through 2019, covering 7 million scientists in 22 major fields ranking from chemistry to engineering to economics and business.
In all, 15 CSU campuses made the list with as many as 64 researchers from each campus. With 13 faculty listed, Fullerton is ranked fourth in the CSU. CSUF faculty members who made the list are presented below:
- Zvi Drezner, emeritus professor of information systems and decision sciences
- Richard A. Lippa, professor emeritus of psychology
- Michael H. Birnbaum, professor of emeritus of psychology
- William B. Gudykunst, deceased professor of human communication studies
- Fu Ming Tao, professor of chemistry
- H. Jochen Schenk, professor of biological science
- Ofir Turel, professor of information systems and decision sciences
- Stella Ting-Toomey professor of human communication studies
- John Olmsted, professor emeritus of chemistry
- Roberta E. Rikli, retired dean of the College of Health and Human Development
- Nancy L. Segal, professor of psychology
- Tammy Drezner, lecturer emeritus of information systems and decision sciences
- James A. Primbs, professor of finance