As reported yesterday in a Timely Warning email from our CSUF PD, on January 13, 2021, a Cal State Fullerton student employee was just off campus on the east sidewalk of State College Blvd. walking from his car parked off campus to his on-campus job, when he was approached by an unknown male jogger who reportedly struck him repeatedly. After the incident, the victim ran to campus and the lobby of our CSUF PD where he was assisted by an officer and treated for a minor injury.
While the Timely Warning that was issued after the reported incident contained all the information CSUF PD had at the time, new details emerged several hours later, specifically that the suspect had directed a racial epithet toward the victim after the attack. This allegation, which was not originally reported to CSUF PD but was confirmed with the victim this morning, elevates this already heinous act to a suspected racial bias incident. As such, the university will provide support for the victim and we are convening our Campus Climate Response Team to provide additional support for the campus community.
I write not to add my voice to the process that this team of trained, cross-campus professionals have in place, but rather to communicate directly to all of you — our faculty, staff, and students — that violence and threats of violence will not be tolerated in our campus community. While the incident did not occur on our physical campus and no evidence suggests that the suspect is affiliated with Cal State Fullerton, it is nonetheless an assault on not only a fellow Titan, but also everything that we, as a Titan Family, stand for.
Students in need of support can reach out to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) by web or phone 24/7 at 657-278-3040.
Employees can reach out to LifeMatters, which is part of our CSUF Employee Assistance Program, and can be accessed at www.MyLifeMatters.com with the CSUF employee passcode of “Titans.”
And You@Fullerton, which is a free and confidential wellness portal, is available to all Titans – faculty, staff, and students.
Fram Virjee