Cal State Fullerton faculty and staff were awarded more than $9 million in funding during the period October to December 2020. Supported projects range from a transportation fellowship to a prison arts collective to research on manta rays.
Michael Daniel ’99 (B.A. business administration-marketing), regional director of the Small Business Development Center: $3,111,800 in total funding:
- $2,550,000 from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development for the “GO-Biz Technical Assistance Expansion Program 2021” project;
- $519,300 from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development for “GO-Biz Capital Infusion Program 2021;”
- $42,500 from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation Los Angeles for “SBDC Recovery and Relief for Underserved Businesses in Orange County.”
Mikyong Kim-Goh, chair and professor of social work: $1,438,395 from the University of California, Berkeley for the project “Title IV-E Social Work Training Program 2020-22.”
Mark Filowitz, associate vice president of academic programs: $1,154,431 from the U.S. Department of Education for Project RAISE (Regional Alliance in STEM Education: Raising the Bar in Transfer, Retention and Graduation Rates).
Joshua Bilbrew, director of the GEAR UP program: $1,119,979 from the U.S. Department of Education for “Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) 2018-25.”
Yuko Okado, assistant professor of psychology: $569,253 from the University of Southern California for the project titled “Increasing the Connections to Fast-Growing STEM Careers.”
Lydia Palacios, director of the Children’s Center: $288,624 from the U.S. Department of Education for the “CSUF Student-Parent Child Care Support Program.”
Ding Jo Currie, lecturer in educational leadership: $250,000 from Chabot-Las Positas Community College District for “Leadership Institute for Tomorrow: Building Vision 2022 Success Through Diverse Emerging Leaders.”
Janice Myck-Wayne, professor of special education: $250,000 from the U.S. Department of Education for Project ABC (Project Activity Based Communications).
Marcelo Tolmasky, professor of biological science: $194,818 from the National Institutes of Health for the project titled “LA Basin CSU Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Training Program (Year 24).”
Laura Gil-Trejo, director of the Social Science Research Center: $181,673 in total funding:
- $75,368 from Harder+Company Community Research for the “Mercy Housing Telephone Survey” project;
- $56,544 from Jordan Downs Community Partners LLC for the “Jordan Downs Telephone Survey” project;
- $32,600 from Rio Hondo Community College for “Exploration of Factors That Pose Barriers to Students Seeking Educational Support Yr1;”
- $17,161 from the CSU Dominguez Hills Foundation for “Sponsored Programs Administration Development at California State University, Dominguez Hills.”
Misty Paig-Tran, associate professor of biological science: continuing award of $123,102 from the National Science Foundation for the project “Collaborative Research: Functional Morphology of a High-Efficiency Filtration Mechanism Identified in Manta Rays.”
Natalie Tran, chair and professor of secondary education: $116,388 from Californians Together for “Professional Development for Implementation of California ELA/ELD Roadmap.”
Brady Heiner, associate professor of philosophy: $100,000 from the Yerba Buena Fund for “Project Rebound — Yerba Buena Fund 2020-21.”
John Faller, associate professor of computer engineering: $39,874 from the University of West Florida for the project titled “Supply Chain Cybersecurity Initiative CNC Machine Tool Controls Integrity Verification.”
Sheryl Fontaine, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences: $33,000 from the University of California, Office of the President for “California Global Education Project at CSU Fullerton.”
Weili Lu, chair and professor of finance: $22,000 from Guangdong 21st Century Media Co. Ltd. for “Asian Insurance Competency Ranking Research Report.”
David Pagni, professor of mathematics: $20,635 from the Regents of the University of California, Office of the President for “California Mathematics Project at CSU Fullerton 2020-21.”
Tien Nguyen, lecturer in mathematics: $20,000 from the Intelligent Fusion Technology Inc. for “Distributed Cooperative Beamforming Oriented High-Precision Time and Phase Synchronization of Sources Across Multiple UAS Platforms in a Dynamic and GPS-Denied Environment.”
Sergio Guerra, director of the Center for Academic Support in Engineering and Computer Science: $18,500 from the U.S. Department of Transportation for “CSUF Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program 2020.”
Allison Marzocchi, associate professor of mathematics: $11,507 from the San Jose State University Research Foundation for the project titled “Undergraduate Research Groups in the CSU Alliance for PUMP: Preparing Undergraduates Through Mentoring Toward Ph.D.s.”
Mary Anna Pomonis, assistant professor of art: $8,925 from San Diego State University for “Prison Arts Collective.”
Binod Tiwari, associate vice president for research and sponsored projects: $6,230 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for the “Scaling Up the Use of Mixed Reality in Civil Engineering Education” project.
Fullerton Arboretum, Extension and International Programs: $10,000 from Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust for the project “Ornamental Horticulture Recovery During Pandemic Closure.”